פרופסור טליה איינהורן

Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN)

טליה איינהורן, מעמדם של שטחי יהודה ושומרון וההתיישבות בהם במשפט הבינלאומי, דיני מקרקעין והמשפט הבינלאומי ביהודה ושומרון (הראל ארנון וחגי ויניצקי [עורכים]) בורסי 2013,  עמ' 75-9
טליה איינהורן, "התאמת הדינים בענייני ירושה באמצעות המשפט הבינלאומי פרטי הישראלי בהיבט השוואתי", הון משפחתי א/1 (תשע"ד-2014), 84-61
טליה איינהורן, "ההכרה בישראל בצו פשיטת רגל שניתן במדינה זרה", הון משפחתי א/1 (תשע"ד-2014), 136-121.
טליה איינהורן, "משמעות ההשאלה או ההפקדה של יצירות אומנות וקניינים תרבותיים בישראל לאור הקהילה היהודית בוינה נ' הארכיון המרכזי לתולדות העם היהודי", הון משפחתי א/3 (2015) 145-113.
טליה איינהורן, "הזכויות בכתבי היד של פרנץ קפקא – סיפור קפקאי משובח", הון משפחתי ב/1 (תשע"ו-2016), 65-1.
Talia Einhorn, “Restitution of Archaeological Artifacts: The Arab-Israeli Aspect”, International Journal of Cultural Property 5 (1996) 133-153.
Talia Einhorn, “Israeli Law, Jewish Law and the Archaeological Excavation of Tombs”, International Journal of Cultural Property 6 (1997) 47-79.
Talia Einhorn, “The Need for a Rule-Oriented Israeli-Palestinian Customs Union: The Role of International Trade Law and Domestic Law”, Netherlands International Law Review 44 (1997) 315-345.
Talia Einhorn, “The Impact of the WTO Agreement on TRIPs (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) on EC Law: A Challenge to Regionalism”, Common Market Law Review 35 (1998) 1069-1099; reprinted in: International Trade Law on the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trade System (Paolo Mengozzi [ed.]), Milano: Giuffrè 1999, pp. 533-573.
Talia Einhorn, “Jewish Divorce in the International Arena”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, 135-153.
Talia Einhorn, “The Expansion of Israeli Unjust Enrichment Law: The Mixed Blessings of a Mixed Legal System”, in: Aufbruch nach Europa: Festschrift for the 75th Anniversary of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private and Private International Law in Hamburg (Basedow/ Drobnig/ Ellger/ Hopt/ Kötz/ Kulms/ Mestmäcker [eds.]), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2001, 905-922.
Talia Einhorn, “Monitoring Directors in Public Companies under Israeli Law: Comparative Perspectives”, European Business Organization Law Review 2 (2001) Special issue: Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (T. Einhorn [ed.]) 525-551 (in English); reprinted in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law –Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. 97-123.
Talia Einhorn, “The Liberalization of Postal Services – Israeli and European Perspectives”, in: Recht und spontane Ordnung – Festschrift für Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Engel/ Möschel [eds.]), Baden-Baden: Nomos 2006, pp. 103-136.
Talia Einhorn, “Family Unions in Israel – The Tensions between Religious Law and Secular Law and the Quest for Coherent Law”, in: Rett og tolerance – Festskrift til Helge Johan Thue 70 år (Frantzen/Giertsen/Cordero Moss [eds.]), Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2007, pp. 697-715.
Talia Einhorn, “Same-Sex Family Unions in Israeli law”, Utrecht Law Review 4 (2008), pp. 222-235; reprinted in Debates in Family Law around the Globe at the Dawn of the 21st Century (Katharina Boele-Woelki [ed.]), Antwerpen: Intersentia 2009, pp. 319-337.
Talia Einhorn, “American vs. European Private International Law – the Case for a Model Conflict of Laws Act (MCLA)”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. 3-36.
Talia Einhorn, “The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments on International Commercial Arbitral Awards”, Yearbook of Private International Law 12 (2010), pp. 43-65.
Talia Einhorn, “International Law and the Israeli Legal System”, in: International Law and Domestic Legal Systems (Dinah Shelton [ed.]), Oxford University Press 2011
Talia Einhorn, “Hunger, Aid, WTO Law and International Competition Law – the missing links in the world trading system”, in: New Trends in International Economic Law – Liber Amicorum Paolo Picone (Ligustro/ Sacerdoti [eds.]) Napoli: Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica 2011, pp. 311-336.
Talia Einhorn, “Review of Kurt Siehr, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.), The Draft Civil Code for Israel in Comparative Perspective (Mohr Siebeck 2008)”, RabelsZ 75 (2011) 213-221.
Talia Einhorn, Review of Kerstin Odendahl, Peter Johannes Weber (eds.), Kulturgüterschutz – Kunstrecht – Kulturrecht – Festschrift für Kurt Siehraus dem Kreise des Doktoranden- und Habilitandenseminars "Kunst und Recht" (Baden-Baden/St. Gallen/Wien: Nomos/Dike/facultas.wuv 2010), Kunst & Recht (1/2011) 23-26.
Talia Einhorn, "Developments in Regional Trade Law – A View from Israel", European Journal of Law Reform 15 (2013) 71-79.
Talia Einhorn, The Status of Judea & Samaria (the West Bank) and Gaza and the Settlements in International Law (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs 2014)
Talia Einhorn, “Israel”, in: Sources of State Practice in International Law (Ralph Gaebler and Alison Shea [eds.]), 2nd ed., Brill: 2014, 283-308.
Talia Einhorn, “Review of Rita de la Feria and Stefan Vogenauer, ProhibitionofAbuseofLaw (Oxford: Hart 2011)”, RabelsZ 78 (2014) 443-449.
Talia Einhorn, "Disgorgement of Profits in Israeli Law", in: Disgorgement of Profits in Comparative Perspective (Ewoud Hondius and André Janssen [eds.]), Springer: 2015, 299-324.
Talia Einhorn, "The Coordinating Role of Israeli Conflict Rules in Matters of Succession – Comparative Perspectives", in: Panorama do Direitto Internacional Privado Atual e Outros Temas Contemporãneos – Festschrift ao Professor Jacob Dolinger (Carmen Tiburcio et al. [eds.]), (Arraes: 2015), 102-124.
Talia Einhorn, "The Common Law Foundations of the Israeli Draft Civil Code – A Critical Review of a Paradigm-Shifting Endeavor", RabelsZ 80 (2016) 94-129.
Talia Einhorn, "Coordinating Matrimonial Property Regimes Across National Borders: Israeli and Comparative Perspectives", in: Legal Thoughts between the East and the West in the Multilevel Legal Order – A Liber Amicorum in Honour of Professor Herbert Han-Pao Ma (Chang-fa Lo, Nigel Li, Tsai-yu Lin [eds.]) (Springer 2016), 371-394.
Talia Einhorn, "Interpretation and Application of the New York Convention in Israel", in: Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: The Interpretation and Application of the New York Convention by National Courts (George Bermann [ed.]), (Springer 2017), 523-559.
Talia Einhorn, “Treatment of Foreign Law in Israel”, in: Treatment of Foreign Law: Dynamics towards Convergence? (Yuko Nishitani [ed.]), (Springer 2017), 563-582.
Talia Einhorn, "Anti-Suit Injunctions in Arbitral and Judicial Proceedings in Israel", in: Filip de Ly (ed.), Anti-Suit Injunctions in Arbitral and Judicial Proceedings (Forthcoming 2021)
Talia Einhorn, The Israeli Statute on National Book Price Maintenance - A Critical Evaluationin: National, International, Transnational: Harmonischer Dreiklang im Recht – Festschrift für Herbert Kronke (Christoph Benicke and Stefan Huber (Eds.), (Bielefed: Gieseking 2020), pp. 1699-1708