פרופסור טליה איינהורן

Main Publications



1.   Einhorn Talia, Proscription of Parties that have a Racist Platform under Art. 7A of the Basic Law: Ha-Knesset, Jerusalem: The Israeli Association for Parliamentary Issues 1993 (in Hebrew. English summary) (108 + xxii pp.).

2.  Einhorn Talia, The Role of the Free Trade Agreement between Israel and the EEC: The Legal Framework for Trading with Israel between Theory and Practice, Baden-Baden: Nomos 1994 (in English. German summary) 250pp.

3. Einhorn Talia, Private International Law in Israel, Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International 2009 (in English) 393pp. 

4. Einhorn Talia, Private International Law in Israel, 2nd ed., Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International 2012 (in English) 546pp. 

5. Einhorn Talia, The Status of Judea & Samaria (The West Bank) and Gaza and the Settlements in International Law, Jerusalem: Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs 2014 (in English) 65pp.

6. Einhorn Talia, Private International and Inter-Religious Law in Israel, Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International (forthcoming, 2021) (in English) 975pp.

7. Einhorn, Talia, Private International and Inter-Religious Law in Israel, Nevo (2023) (in Hebrew)


1.   A. E. Kellermann/ K. Siehr/ T. Einhorn (eds.), Israel among the Nations: International and Comparative Law Perspectives on Israel’s 50th Anniversary, London: Kluwer Law International 1998 (in English) (392 + xvi pp.).

2.   J. Basedow/ I. Meier/ A.K. Schnyder/ T. Einhorn/ D. Girsberger (eds.), Private Law in the International Arena – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000 (in English, German and French) (910 + xxxv pp.).

3.   T. Einhorn (ed.), Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003 (in English) (457 + xxiv pp.). 

4.   T. Einhorn/ K. Siehr (eds.), Intercontinental Cooperation through Private International Law: Essays in Memory of Peter E. Nygh, The Hague: TMC Asser Press 2004 (in English) (509 + xxii pp.).

5.   K. Boele-Woelki/ T. Einhorn/ D. Girsberger/ S. Symeonides, Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr, The Hague/ Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010 (in English, German and French) (895 + xxi pp.)


a.   Editor-in-Chief:
European Business Organization Law Review 1-3 (2000-2002. 2003-2013 member of the Advisory Board), published by T.M.C. Asser Press/Cambridge University Press. A refereed inter-disciplinary quarterly, critically analyzing the whole range of organizations chosen by companies, groups of companies, and state-owned enterprises to pursue their business activities and offer goods and services all over the European Union. 

<http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=EBR >

Member of the Editorial Board: 
Family Wealth Management Law Review (2014-), Israel (in Hebrew).
Journal of International Private Law (2014), Russian Association of International Law.
Journal of Comparative Jurisprudence (2012), Ukraine.

b. Articles in refereed journals
1.   Einhorn Talia, “The Role of the Israeli Courts in Promoting Free Trade”, Bar-Ilan Law Studies 12 (1995) 165-224 (in Hebrew).

2.   Einhorn Talia, “Restitution of Archaeological Artifacts: The Arab-Israeli Aspect”, International Journal of Cultural Property 5 (1996) 133-153 (in English). 

3.   Einhorn Talia, “The Treaty-Making Power: A Call for Reform”, Hamishpat 4 (1996) 367-384 (in Hebrew). 

4.   Einhorn Talia, “Israeli Law, Jewish Law and the Archaeological Excavation of Tombs”, International Journal of Cultural Property 6 (1997) 47-79 (in English).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “The Need for a Rule-Oriented Israeli-Palestinian Customs Union: The Role of International Trade Law and Domestic Law”, Netherlands International Law Review 44 (1997) 315-345 (in English).

6.   Einhorn Talia, “Reconciling Israeli Antidumping Law with WTO/ GATT International Trade Law Rules”, Israel Law Review 32 (1998) 81-138 (in English).

7.   Einhorn Talia, “The Customs Union between Israel and the Palestinian Authority: A Critical Analysis”, Bar-Ilan Law Studies 14 (1998) 439-475 (in Hebrew).

8.   Einhorn Talia, “The Impact of the WTO Agreement on TRIPs (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) on EC Law: A Challenge to Regionalism”, Common Market Law Review 35 (1998) 1069-1099 (in English); reprinted in: International Trade Law on the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trade System (Paolo Mengozzi [ed.]), Milano: Giuffrè 1999, pp. 533-573.

9.   Einhorn Talia, “Monitoring Directors in Public Companies under Israeli Law: Comparative Perspectives”, European Business Organization Law Review 2 (2001) Special issue: Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (T. Einhorn [ed.]) 525-551 (in English); reprinted in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. 97-123.

10.   Einhorn Talia, “The Israeli – Arab Peace Process: the Law Reform Perspective”, European Journal of Law Reform 3 (2001) 149-161 (in English).

11.   Einhorn, Talia, “The Ascertainment and Application of Foreign Law in Israeli Courts – A reform proposal”, Mosnei Mishpat 4 (2005) Special issue: Sefer Shaki [Essays in Honor of Avner Hai Shaki] (Aharon Barak et al. [eds.]) pp. 305-316 (essentially based on C.8 hereunder) (in Hebrew).

12.   Einhorn Talia/ Spiegel Yossi, "The Liberalization of the Israeli Postal Services", Israel Economic Quarterly 53 (2006), pp. 111-165 (in Hebrew).

13.   Einhorn Talia, “Same-Sex Family Unions in Israeli law”, Utrecht Law Review 4 (2008), pp. 222-235; reprinted in Debates in Family Law around the Globe at the Dawn of the 21st Century (Katharina Boele-Woelki [ed.]), Antwerpen: Intersentia 2009, pp. 319-337 (in English). 

14.   Einhorn Talia, “The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments on International Commercial Arbitral Awards”, Yearbook of Private International Law 12 (2010) pp. 43-65 (in English).

15.   Einhorn Talia, "Developments in Regional Trade Law – A View from Israel", European Journal of Law Reform 15 (2013) 71-79 (in English).

16.   Einhorn Talia, "The Coordinating Role of Israeli Conflict Rules in Matters of Succession – Comparative Perspectives", Family Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2014) 61-84 (in Hebrew).

17.   Einhorn Talia, "The Recognition in Israel of a Foreign Bankruptcy Order", Family Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2014/1) 121-136 (in Hebrew).

18.   Einhorn Talia, "The Recognition in Israel of a Foreign Guardianship Order Concerning a Person Domiciled in that Country", Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2014/2) 163-171 (in Hebrew).

19.   Einhorn Talia, "The Adaptation of the Global Jurisdiction of Israeli Courts in Family Affairs and Succession to the Rules on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments", Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2015/3) 71-78 (in Hebrew).

20.   Einhorn Talia, "The Rules Concerning Loans and Deposits of Artworks and Cultural Property in Israel in view of Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien v. The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People", Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2015/3) 113-145 (in Hebrew).

21.   Einhorn Talia, "The Common Law Foundations of the Israeli Draft Civil Code – A Critical Review of a Paradigm-Shifting Endeavor", RabelsZ 80 (2016) 94-129 (in English).

22.   Einhorn Talia, "The Rights to the Kafka Manuscripts – a vintage Kafkaesque story", in: Wealth Management Law Review 2 (2016/1) 103-167 (in Hebrew).

23.   Natour Ahmad and Talia Einhorn, "The Application of Islamic Law in Israel – Issues of Filiation between Secular and Religious Law", Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 119 (2020) 1-40 (in English).

24.   Weiss, Dan and Talia Einhorn, "The Adequacy of the 'One Share, One Vote' Rule in Publicly Traded Family-Owned Companies in Israeli Law – A Critical Evaluation" (forthcoming, 2023)


1.   Einhorn Talia, “The Application of WTO-law by the Courts of Law in the EU and in Israel”, in: Essays on European Law and Israel (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1996, 1023-1044 (in English).

2.  Einhorn Talia, “Equality in Israeli Family Law”, in: Gleichheit im Familienrecht unter Beruecksichtigung des Einflusses von Verfassungen und internationalen Uebereinkommen (Equality in Family Law – The Influence of Constitutions and International Conventions) (B. Verschraegen [ed.]), Bielefeld: Gieseking 1997, 249-280 (in English).

3.  Einhorn Talia, “The Legal Framework for Israel’s International Trade: International and Domestic Perspectives”, in: Israel among the Nations: International and Comparative Law Perspectives on Israel’s 50th Anniversary (A. Kellermann/ K. Siehr/ T. Einhorn [eds.]), London: Kluwer Law International 1998, 155-175 (in English).  

4.   Einhorn Talia, “The Impact of the WTO Agreement on TRIPs (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) on EC Law: A Challenge to Regionalism”, Common Market Law Review 35 (1998) 1069-1099 (in English); reprinted in: International Trade Law on the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trade System (Paolo Mengozzi [ed.]), Milano: Giuffrè 1999, pp. 533-573 (see also B.b.9 above).

5. Einhorn Talia, “The EC-Israel Association Agreement: Comparative Aspects of Liberalizing International Trade”, in: Proceedings of the First Legal Colloquium Israel-Italy 4-8 May 1997 (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1999, 649-673 (in English).

6.   Einhorn Talia, “Jewish Divorce in the International Arena”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, 135-153 (in English).

7.  Einhorn Talia, “Der arabisch-israelische Frieden. Eine Fata Morgana”, in: Hat Israel noch eine Chance? Palästina in der neuen Weltordnung (Hermann L. Gremliza [Hrsg.]), Hamburg: Konkret 2001, 141-155 (in German).

8.   Einhorn Talia, “The Expansion of Israeli Unjust Enrichment Law: The Mixed Blessings of a Mixed Legal System”, in: Aufbruch nach Europa: Festschrift for the 75th Anniversary of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private and Private International Law in Hamburg (Basedow/ Drobnig/ Ellger/ Hopt/ Kötz/ Kulms/ Mestmäcker [eds.]), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2001, 905-922 (in English).

9.  Einhorn Talia, “Monitoring Directors in Public Companies under Israeli Law: Comparative Perspectives”, in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law - Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. 97-123 (see also B.b.10 above).

10.   Einhorn Talia, “The Ascertainment and Application of Foreign Law in Israeli Courts – Getting the facts and fallacies straight”, in: Intercontinental Cooperation through Private International Law – Essays in Memory of Peter E. Nygh (Einhorn/Siehr [eds.]), The Hague: TMC Asser Press 2004, pp. 107-118 (in English).

11.   Einhorn Talia, “Israeli International Family Law – the liberalization of Israeli substantive Family Law”, Balancing of Interests – Essays in Honor of Peter Hay (Rasmussen-Bonne et al. [eds.]) Frankfurt a.M.: Recht und Wirschaft 2005, pp. 141-150 (in English).

12.   Einhorn Talia, “The Liberalization of Postal Services – Israeli and European Perspectives”, in: Recht und spontane Ordnung – Festschrift für Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Engel/ Möschel [eds.]), Baden-Baden: Nomos 2006, pp. 103-136 (in English).

13.   Einhorn Talia, “Family Unions in Israel – The Tensions between Religious Law and Secular Law and the Quest for Coherent Law”, in: Rett og tolerance – Festskrift til Helge Johan Thue 70 år (Frantzen/Giertsen/Cordero Moss [eds.]), Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2007, pp. 697-715 (in English). 

14.   Einhorn Talia, “Same-Sex Family Unions in Israeli law”, in: Debates in Family Law around the Globe at the Dawn of the 21st Century (Katharina Boele-Woelki [ed.]), Antwerpen: Intersentia 2009, pp. 319-337 (in English) (see also B.b.14 above).

15.   Einhorn Talia, “American vs. European Private International Law – the Case for a Model Conflict of Laws Act (MCLA)”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. 3-36 (in English). 

16.  Einhorn Talia, “Israeli Consumer Protection in International Private Relations”, in: Consumer Protection in International Private Relationships – XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law (Diego P. Fernández Arroyo [ed.]), Asunción: Center for the Studies of Law, Economy and Politics [CEDEP] 2010, pp. 271-292 (in English).

17.   Einhorn Talia, “Hunger, Aid, WTO Law and International Competition Law – the missing links in the world trading system”, in: New Trends in International Economic Law – Liber Amicorum Paolo Picone (Ligustro/ Sacerdoti [eds.]) Napoli: Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica 2011, pp. 311-336 (in English).

18.   Einhorn Talia, “International Law and the Domestic Israeli Legal System”, in: International Law and Domestic Legal Systems (Dinah Shelton [ed.]), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 288-327 (in English).

19.   Einhorn Talia, "Israel – Developments in Regional Trade Law", in: Studies on International Law (Alexander Yankov et al. [eds.]) (Sofia: Bulgarian Association of International Law 2013), pp. 90-96 (in English).

20.   Einhorn Talia, "The Status of Judea & Samaria and their Settlement under Public International Law", in: Harel Arnon & Chagai Vinitzky (eds.), Land Law and International Law in Judea & Samaria, Bursi: 2013, pp. 9-75 (in Hebrew).

21.    Einhorn Talia, "Export and Import Controls of Cultural Matter and their Enforcement under Israeli Law", in: Handbook on the Law of Cultural Heritage and International Trade (James A. Nafziger, Robert Patterson [eds.]) Edward Elgar: 2014, pp. 221-233 (in English).

22.    Einhorn Talia, “Israel”, in: Sources of State Practice in International Law (Ralph Gaebler and Alison Shea [eds.]), 2nd ed., Brill: 2014, 283-308 (in English).

23.  Einhorn Talia, "The Coordinating Role of Israeli Conflict Rules in Matters of Succession – Comparative Perspectives", in: Panorama do Direitto Internacional Privado Atual e Outros Temas Contemporãneos – Festschrift ao Professor Jacob Dolinger (Carmen Tiburcio et al. [eds.]), Arraes: 2015, 102-124 (in English).

24.   Einhorn Talia, "Disgorgement of Profits in Israeli Law", in: Disgorgement of Profits in Comparative Perspective (Ewoud Hondius and André Janssen [eds.]), Springer: 2015, 299-324 (in English).

25.  Einhorn Talia, “Customs Law, International”, in: International Economic Law (Lachenmann and Wolfrum [eds.]), (Oxford University Press 2015), 145-168 (in English).

26. Einhorn Talia, “Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory”, in: International Economic Law (Lachenmann and Wolfrum [eds.]), (Oxford University Press 2015), 840-855 (in English).

27.  Einhorn Talia, "Coordinating Matrimonial Property Regimes Across National Borders: Israeli and Comparative Perspectives", in: Legal Thoughts between the East and the West in the Multilevel Legal Order – A Liber Amicorum in Honour of Professor Herbert Han-Pao Ma (Chang-fa Lo, Nigel Li, Tsai-yu Lin [eds.]) (Springer 2016), 371-394 (in English).

28.  Einhorn Talia, "Interpretation and Application of the New York Convention in Israel", in: Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: The Interpretation and Application of the New York Convention by National Courts (George Bermann [ed.]), (Springer 2017), 523-559 (in English).

29.   Einhorn Talia, "Proof and Application of Foreign Law in Israel", in: Treatment of Foreign Law: Dynamics towards Convergence? (Yuko Nishitani [ed.]), (Springer 2017), 563-582 (in English).

30.   Einhorn Talia and Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, "Internationales Privatrecht", in: Einführung in das israelische Recht (Medina/ Walter / Scholz / Wabnitz [eds.]), (Beck 2019), 245-263 (in German). 

31.    Einhorn Talia and Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, "Private International Law", in: Introduction to the Law of Israel (Medina/ Walter / Scholz / Wabnitz [eds.]), (Beck 2019), 241-257 (in English). 

32.    Einhorn Talia, "The Israeli Statute on National Book Price Maintenance –A Critical Evaluation", in: Festschrift Herbert Kronke – Ausländisches und deutsches Privat und Wirtschaftsrecht (Christoph Benicke and Stefan Huber [eds.]), (Gieseking 2020), 1687-1697.

33.    Einhorn Talia, "Commentaries in Israeli Law: Foundations and future of a mixed legal system", in: Kästle-Lamparter/ Jansen/ Zimmermann, Juristische Kommentare: Literaturformen in rechtsvergleichender Perspektive (Mohr Siebeck, 2020), 331-359 (in English).

34.    Einhorn,Talia, "Israeli Perspectives on the Hague Principles", in: Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague Principles (Daniel Girsberger, Thomas Kadner Graziano and Jan L Neels[Eds.]) (Mohr Siebeck,2020), 520-536.

35.    Einhorn, Talia, “Parenthood in Israeli Law”, in: Liber Amicorum Bea Verschraegen (Florian Heindler, Katharina Huber and Judith Schacherreiter [eds.]) (Manz 2023), 11-24.

36.    Einhorn, Talia, "Anti-Suit Injunctions in Arbitral and Judicial Proceedings in Israel", in: Filip de Ly (ed.), Anti-Suit Injunctions in Arbitral and Judicial Proceedings (forthcoming 2023).


1. Einhorn Talia, "The Methodology of Using Foreign Law in Courts and in the Rule-Making Process – An Israeli Perspective", in: Proceedings of III. International Scientific Conference, The National Academy of Sciences Ukraine – Ukraine Association of Comparative Law (Lviv 2011), pp. 74-77.

2. Einhorn Talia, "Economic Integration in the Global Arena – The Significance and Contents of the Necessary Rule of Law", in: Proceedings of the Conference on Russia's Integration into the World Economy: The New Paradigms of the Economic Culture – in Memory of Professor Leonid Strovsky (Yekaterinburg 2011), pp. 96-101.

3. Einhorn Talia, "Cultural Heritage as a Resource – A View from Israel", in: Proceedings of the International Law Association Regional Conference 2013 – Imperium Juris: Governance, Trade Resources (Greece 2013) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, Review of European Legal Traditions and Israel (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), (Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1994) Israel Law Review 29 (1995) 754-756 (in English). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, Review of E. Ahiram/ A. Tovias, Whither EU-Israeli Relations? Common and Divergent Interests (Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 1995) Medinah Mimshal Vihasim Benleumiyim (State Government and International Relations) 41 (1996) 241-242 (in Hebrew).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Whose Scrolls Are They Anyway? – The Arab-Israeli aspect of restitution of cultural objects according to international law”, ERETZ – The Geographic Magazine from Israel 12(4) (1997), p. 67 (in English); ERETZ ve-TEVA, The Israeli Geographic Magazine 11(4) (1997), p. 70 (in Hebrew).

4.  Einhorn Talia, Review of D. M. Sassoon, C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts (5th ed.), (London: Sweet & Maxwell 1995), Israel Law Review 31 (1997) 860-861 (in English).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “The Economic Relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority” (based upon Testimony before the US Congress Joint Economic Committee Hearing concerning Israel’s Economic Future and its Impact on US Relations), Justice June 1998 40-43 (in English).

6.  Einhorn Talia, Review of E.-U. Petersmann (ed.), International Trade Law and the GATT/ WTO Dispute Settlement System (London: Kluwer Law International 1997), RabelsZ 63 (1999) 766-769 (in English).

7.  Einhorn Talia, “The Rights of the Living – Urban Development and Archaeological Rescue Excavations from a Legal Perspective”, Mivnim [A Monthly Magazine for Architects, Contractors and Engineers] Oct. 1999 24-30 (in Hebrew). 

8.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, V-VIII (in English).

9.   Einhorn Talia, “The Israeli – Arab Peace Process: the Law Reform Perspective”, Nativ (3/2002) 45-51 (in Hebrew); published also as ACPR (Ariel Center for Policy Research) Policy Paper No. 138 (2002) under the title “The Arab – Israeli Peace Mirage: Legal Perspectives” (in English).

10.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel and the International Criminal Court”, Nativ (4-5/2002) 36-40 (in Hebrew).

11.  Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. VII-IX.

12.  Einhorn Talia, “The Status of Palestine/Land of Israel and its Settlement under Public International Law”, Nativ (May 2003) 3-9 (in Hebrew); Nativ (October 2003) (in English).

13.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Mads Andenas, Silvia Diaz Alabart, Sir Basil Markesinis, Hans Miklitz and Nello Pasquini (eds.), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa – Private Law Beyond the National Systems (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2007), European Journal of Law Reform 11 (2009) 133-136 (in English).

14.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. XI-XV (in English).

15.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Symeon C. Symeonides, American Private International Law (Kluwer Law International 2008), RabelsZ 74 (2010) 895-898 (in English).

16. Einhorn Talia, Review of Kurt Siehr, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.), The Draft Civil Code for Israel in Comparative Perspective (Mohr Siebeck 2008), RabelsZ 75 (2011) 213-221. 

17.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Kerstin Odendahl, Peter Johannes Weber (eds.), Kulturgüterschutz – Kunstrecht – Kulturrecht – Festschrift für Kurt Siehr aus dem Kreise des Doktoranden- und Habilitandenseminars "Kunst und Recht" (Baden-Baden/St. Gallen/Wien: Nomos/Dike/facultas.wuv 2010), Kunst & Recht (1/2011) 23-26 (in English).

18.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Bea Verschraegen, Internationales Privatrecht (Vienna: Manz 2012), European Journal of Law Reform 14 (2012) 533-534 (in English).

19.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Rita de la Feria and Stefan Vogenauer, Prohibition of Abuse of Law (Oxford: Hart 2011), RabelsZ 78 (2014) 443-449 (in English).

20.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions, by Katharina Boele-Woelki et al. – (Cambridge, UK: Intersentia 2019), RabelsZ 85 (2021) (in English, forthcoming)

21.   Einhorn, Talia, Review of Deogratias, Benedicta, Trapped in a Religious Marriage. A human rights perspective on the phenomenon of marital captivity (Cambridge: Intersentia 2020), RabelsZ 85 (2021) 693-700 (in English).

22.   Einhorn, Talia, Review of Shimon Shetreet and Walter Homolka, Jewish Law and Israeli Law – An Introduction, 2nd ed. – (Berlin, Germany/Boston, USA: de Gruyter 2021), Rabels Z (forthcoming) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, “Revocation of Testaments”, in: volume V – Succession, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law published under the Auspices of the International Association of Legal Science (U. Drobnig – K.-H. Neumayer [eds.]) (2018), Chapter 5, 5-1 – 5-192 (Mohr Siebeck/ Brill 2018). 

2. Einhorn Talia, The Private International Law of Israel (396 pages), in:Kluwer’s International Encyclopedia of Laws – Private International Law (R. Blanpain – B. Verschraegen [eds.]) (IEL 19th Supplement, Oct. 2008); 2nd ed. (546 pages) (IEL 35th Supplement, Oct. 2012) (the contributions have also been published as separate monographs – see Aabove); 3rd ed. (260 pages) (IEL 67th Supplement, March 2022).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Customs Law, International”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 23pp (Oxford University Press 2009); update 28pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

4.   Einhorn Talia, “Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 15pp (Oxford University Press 2010); update 19pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel”, in: Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Basedow/ Rühl/ Ferrari/De Miguel Asensio [eds.]), (Elgar, 2017), pp. 2194-2207.

6.   Einhorn, Talia, “Evidence-Gathering Techniques”, in: Encyclopedia of Comparative Civil Procedure (Burdhard Hess et al. [eds.]) (forthcoming, 2024), 52pp.

7.   Einhorn, Talia, “Art and Cultural Heritage Law in Israel”, in: Elgar Encyclopedia of Art and Cultural Heritage Law (Irini Stamatoudi, Ana Filipa Vrdoljak, Janet Blake and Francesco Francioni [eds.]), (Elgar, forthcoming 2024), 44pp.


1. Einhorn Talia, "The Methodology of Using Foreign Law in Courts and in the Rule-Making Process – An Israeli Perspective", in: Proceedings of III. International Scientific Conference, The National Academy of Sciences Ukraine – Ukraine Association of Comparative Law (Lviv 2011), pp. 74-77.

2. Einhorn Talia, "Economic Integration in the Global Arena – The Significance and Contents of the Necessary Rule of Law", in: Proceedings of the Conference on Russia's Integration into the World Economy: The New Paradigms of the Economic Culture – in Memory of Professor Leonid Strovsky (Yekaterinburg 2011), pp. 96-101.

3. Einhorn Talia, "Cultural Heritage as a Resource – A View from Israel", in: Proceedings of the International Law Association Regional Conference 2013 – Imperium Juris: Governance, Trade Resources (Greece 2013) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, Review of European Legal Traditions and Israel (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), (Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1994) Israel Law Review 29 (1995) 754-756 (in English). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, Review of E. Ahiram/ A. Tovias, Whither EU-Israeli Relations? Common and Divergent Interests (Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 1995) Medinah Mimshal Vihasim Benleumiyim (State Government and International Relations) 41 (1996) 241-242 (in Hebrew).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Whose Scrolls Are They Anyway? – The Arab-Israeli aspect of restitution of cultural objects according to international law”, ERETZ – The Geographic Magazine from Israel 12(4) (1997), p. 67 (in English); ERETZ ve-TEVA, The Israeli Geographic Magazine 11(4) (1997), p. 70 (in Hebrew).

4.  Einhorn Talia, Review of D. M. Sassoon, C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts (5th ed.), (London: Sweet & Maxwell 1995), Israel Law Review 31 (1997) 860-861 (in English).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “The Economic Relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority” (based upon Testimony before the US Congress Joint Economic Committee Hearing concerning Israel’s Economic Future and its Impact on US Relations), Justice June 1998 40-43 (in English).

6.  Einhorn Talia, Review of E.-U. Petersmann (ed.), International Trade Law and the GATT/ WTO Dispute Settlement System (London: Kluwer Law International 1997), RabelsZ 63 (1999) 766-769 (in English).

7.  Einhorn Talia, “The Rights of the Living – Urban Development and Archaeological Rescue Excavations from a Legal Perspective”, Mivnim [A Monthly Magazine for Architects, Contractors and Engineers] Oct. 1999 24-30 (in Hebrew). 

8.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, V-VIII (in English).

9.   Einhorn Talia, “The Israeli – Arab Peace Process: the Law Reform Perspective”, Nativ (3/2002) 45-51 (in Hebrew); published also as ACPR (Ariel Center for Policy Research) Policy Paper No. 138 (2002) under the title “The Arab – Israeli Peace Mirage: Legal Perspectives” (in English).

10.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel and the International Criminal Court”, Nativ (4-5/2002) 36-40 (in Hebrew).

11.  Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. VII-IX.

12.  Einhorn Talia, “The Status of Palestine/Land of Israel and its Settlement under Public International Law”, Nativ (May 2003) 3-9 (in Hebrew); Nativ (October 2003) (in English).

13.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Mads Andenas, Silvia Diaz Alabart, Sir Basil Markesinis, Hans Miklitz and Nello Pasquini (eds.), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa – Private Law Beyond the National Systems (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2007), European Journal of Law Reform 11 (2009) 133-136 (in English).

14.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. XI-XV (in English).

15.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Symeon C. Symeonides, American Private International Law (Kluwer Law International 2008), RabelsZ 74 (2010) 895-898 (in English).

16. Einhorn Talia, Review of Kurt Siehr, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.), The Draft Civil Code for Israel in Comparative Perspective (Mohr Siebeck 2008), RabelsZ 75 (2011) 213-221. 

17.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Kerstin Odendahl, Peter Johannes Weber (eds.), Kulturgüterschutz – Kunstrecht – Kulturrecht – Festschrift für Kurt Siehr aus dem Kreise des Doktoranden- und Habilitandenseminars "Kunst und Recht" (Baden-Baden/St. Gallen/Wien: Nomos/Dike/facultas.wuv 2010), Kunst & Recht (1/2011) 23-26 (in English).

18.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Bea Verschraegen, Internationales Privatrecht (Vienna: Manz 2012), European Journal of Law Reform 14 (2012) 533-534 (in English).

19.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Rita de la Feria and Stefan Vogenauer, Prohibition of Abuse of Law (Oxford: Hart 2011), RabelsZ 78 (2014) 443-449 (in English).

20.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions, by Katharina Boele-Woelki et al. – (Cambridge, UK: Intersentia 2019), RabelsZ 85 (2021) (in English, forthcoming)

21.   Einhorn, Talia, Review of Deogratias, Benedicta, Trapped in a Religious Marriage. A human rights perspective on the phenomenon of marital captivity (Cambridge: Intersentia 2020), RabelsZ 85 (2021) 693-700 (in English).

22.   Einhorn, Talia, Review of Shimon Shetreet and Walter Homolka, Jewish Law and Israeli Law – An Introduction, 2nd ed. – (Berlin, Germany/Boston, USA: de Gruyter 2021), Rabels Z (forthcoming) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, “Revocation of Testaments”, in: volume V – Succession, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law published under the Auspices of the International Association of Legal Science (U. Drobnig – K.-H. Neumayer [eds.]) (2018), Chapter 5, 5-1 – 5-192 (Mohr Siebeck/ Brill 2018). 

2. Einhorn Talia, The Private International Law of Israel (396 pages), in:Kluwer’s International Encyclopedia of Laws – Private International Law (R. Blanpain – B. Verschraegen [eds.]) (IEL 19th Supplement, Oct. 2008); 2nd ed. (546 pages) (IEL 35th Supplement, Oct. 2012) (the contributions have also been published as separate monographs – see Aabove); 3rd ed. (260 pages) (IEL 67th Supplement, March 2022).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Customs Law, International”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 23pp (Oxford University Press 2009); update 28pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

4.   Einhorn Talia, “Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 15pp (Oxford University Press 2010); update 19pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel”, in: Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Basedow/ Rühl/ Ferrari/De Miguel Asensio [eds.]), (Elgar, 2017), pp. 2194-2207.

1. Einhorn Talia, "The Methodology of Using Foreign Law in Courts and in the Rule-Making Process – An Israeli Perspective", in: Proceedings of III. International Scientific Conference, The National Academy of Sciences Ukraine – Ukraine Association of Comparative Law (Lviv 2011), pp. 74-77.

2. Einhorn Talia, "Economic Integration in the Global Arena – The Significance and Contents of the Necessary Rule of Law", in: Proceedings of the Conference on Russia's Integration into the World Economy: The New Paradigms of the Economic Culture – in Memory of Professor Leonid Strovsky (Yekaterinburg 2011), pp. 96-101.

3. Einhorn Talia, "Cultural Heritage as a Resource – A View from Israel", in: Proceedings of the International Law Association Regional Conference 2013 – Imperium Juris: Governance, Trade Resources (Greece 2013) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, Review of European Legal Traditions and Israel (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), (Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1994) Israel Law Review 29 (1995) 754-756 (in English). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, Review of E. Ahiram/ A. Tovias, Whither EU-Israeli Relations? Common and Divergent Interests (Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 1995) Medinah Mimshal Vihasim Benleumiyim (State Government and International Relations) 41 (1996) 241-242 (in Hebrew).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Whose Scrolls Are They Anyway? – The Arab-Israeli aspect of restitution of cultural objects according to international law”, ERETZ – The Geographic Magazine from Israel 12(4) (1997), p. 67 (in English); ERETZ ve-TEVA, The Israeli Geographic Magazine 11(4) (1997), p. 70 (in Hebrew).

4.  Einhorn Talia, Review of D. M. Sassoon, C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts (5th ed.), (London: Sweet & Maxwell 1995), Israel Law Review 31 (1997) 860-861 (in English).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “The Economic Relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority” (based upon Testimony before the US Congress Joint Economic Committee Hearing concerning Israel’s Economic Future and its Impact on US Relations), Justice June 1998 40-43 (in English).

6.  Einhorn Talia, Review of E.-U. Petersmann (ed.), International Trade Law and the GATT/ WTO Dispute Settlement System (London: Kluwer Law International 1997), RabelsZ 63 (1999) 766-769 (in English).

7.  Einhorn Talia, “The Rights of the Living – Urban Development and Archaeological Rescue Excavations from a Legal Perspective”, Mivnim [A Monthly Magazine for Architects, Contractors and Engineers] Oct. 1999 24-30 (in Hebrew). 

8.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, V-VIII (in English).

9.   Einhorn Talia, “The Israeli – Arab Peace Process: the Law Reform Perspective”, Nativ (3/2002) 45-51 (in Hebrew); published also as ACPR (Ariel Center for Policy Research) Policy Paper No. 138 (2002) under the title “The Arab – Israeli Peace Mirage: Legal Perspectives” (in English).

10.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel and the International Criminal Court”, Nativ (4-5/2002) 36-40 (in Hebrew).

11.  Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. VII-IX.

12.  Einhorn Talia, “The Status of Palestine/Land of Israel and its Settlement under Public International Law”, Nativ (May 2003) 3-9 (in Hebrew); Nativ (October 2003) (in English).

13.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Mads Andenas, Silvia Diaz Alabart, Sir Basil Markesinis, Hans Miklitz and Nello Pasquini (eds.), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa – Private Law Beyond the National Systems (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2007), European Journal of Law Reform 11 (2009) 133-136 (in English).

14.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. XI-XV (in English).

15.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Symeon C. Symeonides, American Private International Law (Kluwer Law International 2008), RabelsZ 74 (2010) 895-898 (in English).

16. Einhorn Talia, Review of Kurt Siehr, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.), The Draft Civil Code for Israel in Comparative Perspective (Mohr Siebeck 2008), RabelsZ 75 (2011) 213-221. 

17.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Kerstin Odendahl, Peter Johannes Weber (eds.), Kulturgüterschutz – Kunstrecht – Kulturrecht – Festschrift für Kurt Siehr aus dem Kreise des Doktoranden- und Habilitandenseminars "Kunst und Recht" (Baden-Baden/St. Gallen/Wien: Nomos/Dike/facultas.wuv 2010), Kunst & Recht (1/2011) 23-26 (in English).

18.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Bea Verschraegen, Internationales Privatrecht (Vienna: Manz 2012), European Journal of Law Reform 14 (2012) 533-534 (in English).

19.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Rita de la Feria and Stefan Vogenauer, Prohibition of Abuse of Law (Oxford: Hart 2011), RabelsZ 78 (2014) 443-449 (in English).

20.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions, by Katharina Boele-Woelki et al. – (Cambridge, UK: Intersentia 2019), RabelsZ 85 (2021) (in English, forthcoming) 


1.   Einhorn Talia, “Revocation of Testaments”, in: volume V – Succession, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law published under the Auspices of the International Association of Legal Science (U. Drobnig – K.-H. Neumayer [eds.]) (2018), Chapter 5, 5-1 – 5-192 (Mohr Siebeck/ Brill 2018). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, The Private International Law of Israel (396 pages), in: Kluwer’s International Encyclopedia of Laws – Private International Law (R. Blanpain – B. Verschraegen [eds.]) (IEL 19th Supplement, Oct. 2008); 2nd ed. (546 pages) (IEL 35th Supplement, Oct. 2012) (the contributions have also been published as separate monographs – see A above); 3rd ed. (ca. 350 pages) (forthcoming 2020)

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Customs Law, International”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 23pp (Oxford University Press 2009); update 28pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

4.   Einhorn Talia, “Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 15pp (Oxford University Press 2010); update 19pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel”, in: Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Basedow/ Rühl/ Ferrari/De Miguel Asensio [eds.]), (Elgar, 2017), pp. 2194-2207.

6.   Einhorn, Talia, “Evidence-Gathering Techniques”, in: Encyclopedia of Comparative Civil Procedure (Burdhard Hess et al. [eds.]) (forthcoming, 2024), 52pp.

7.   Einhorn, Talia, “Art and Cultural Heritage Law in Israel”, in: Elgar Encyclopedia of Art and Cultural Heritage Law (Irini Stamatoudi, Ana Filipa Vrdoljak, Janet Blake and Francesco Francioni [eds.]), (Elgar, forthcoming 2024), 44pp.


1. Einhorn Talia, "The Methodology of Using Foreign Law in Courts and in the Rule-Making Process – An Israeli Perspective", in: Proceedings of III. International Scientific Conference, The National Academy of Sciences Ukraine – Ukraine Association of Comparative Law (Lviv 2011), pp. 74-77.

2. Einhorn Talia, "Economic Integration in the Global Arena – The Significance and Contents of the Necessary Rule of Law", in: Proceedings of the Conference on Russia's Integration into the World Economy: The New Paradigms of the Economic Culture – in Memory of Professor Leonid Strovsky (Yekaterinburg 2011), pp. 96-101.

3. Einhorn Talia, "Cultural Heritage as a Resource – A View from Israel", in: Proceedings of the International Law Association Regional Conference 2013 – Imperium Juris: Governance, Trade Resources (Greece 2013) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, Review of European Legal Traditions and Israel (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), (Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1994) Israel Law Review 29 (1995) 754-756 (in English). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, Review of E. Ahiram/ A. Tovias, Whither EU-Israeli Relations? Common and Divergent Interests (Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 1995) Medinah Mimshal Vihasim Benleumiyim (State Government and International Relations) 41 (1996) 241-242 (in Hebrew).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Whose Scrolls Are They Anyway? – The Arab-Israeli aspect of restitution of cultural objects according to international law”, ERETZ – The Geographic Magazine from Israel 12(4) (1997), p. 67 (in English); ERETZ ve-TEVA, The Israeli Geographic Magazine 11(4) (1997), p. 70 (in Hebrew).

4.  Einhorn Talia, Review of D. M. Sassoon, C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts (5th ed.), (London: Sweet & Maxwell 1995), Israel Law Review 31 (1997) 860-861 (in English).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “The Economic Relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority” (based upon Testimony before the US Congress Joint Economic Committee Hearing concerning Israel’s Economic Future and its Impact on US Relations), Justice June 1998 40-43 (in English).

6.  Einhorn Talia, Review of E.-U. Petersmann (ed.), International Trade Law and the GATT/ WTO Dispute Settlement System (London: Kluwer Law International 1997), RabelsZ 63 (1999) 766-769 (in English).

7.  Einhorn Talia, “The Rights of the Living – Urban Development and Archaeological Rescue Excavations from a Legal Perspective”, Mivnim [A Monthly Magazine for Architects, Contractors and Engineers] Oct. 1999 24-30 (in Hebrew). 

8.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, V-VIII (in English).

9.   Einhorn Talia, “The Israeli – Arab Peace Process: the Law Reform Perspective”, Nativ (3/2002) 45-51 (in Hebrew); published also as ACPR (Ariel Center for Policy Research) Policy Paper No. 138 (2002) under the title “The Arab – Israeli Peace Mirage: Legal Perspectives” (in English).

10.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel and the International Criminal Court”, Nativ (4-5/2002) 36-40 (in Hebrew).

11.  Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. VII-IX.

12.  Einhorn Talia, “The Status of Palestine/Land of Israel and its Settlement under Public International Law”, Nativ (May 2003) 3-9 (in Hebrew); Nativ (October 2003) (in English).

13.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Mads Andenas, Silvia Diaz Alabart, Sir Basil Markesinis, Hans Miklitz and Nello Pasquini (eds.), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa – Private Law Beyond the National Systems (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2007), European Journal of Law Reform 11 (2009) 133-136 (in English).

14.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. XI-XV (in English).

15.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Symeon C. Symeonides, American Private International Law (Kluwer Law International 2008), RabelsZ 74 (2010) 895-898 (in English).

16. Einhorn Talia, Review of Kurt Siehr, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.), The Draft Civil Code for Israel in Comparative Perspective (Mohr Siebeck 2008), RabelsZ 75 (2011) 213-221. 

17.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Kerstin Odendahl, Peter Johannes Weber (eds.), Kulturgüterschutz – Kunstrecht – Kulturrecht – Festschrift für Kurt Siehr aus dem Kreise des Doktoranden- und Habilitandenseminars "Kunst und Recht" (Baden-Baden/St. Gallen/Wien: Nomos/Dike/facultas.wuv 2010), Kunst & Recht (1/2011) 23-26 (in English).

18.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Bea Verschraegen, Internationales Privatrecht (Vienna: Manz 2012), European Journal of Law Reform 14 (2012) 533-534 (in English).

19.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Rita de la Feria and Stefan Vogenauer, Prohibition of Abuse of Law (Oxford: Hart 2011), RabelsZ 78 (2014) 443-449 (in English).

20.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions, by Katharina Boele-Woelki et al. – (Cambridge, UK: Intersentia 2019), RabelsZ 85 (2021) (in English, forthcoming)

21.   Einhorn, Talia, Review of Deogratias, Benedicta, Trapped in a Religious Marriage. A human rights perspective on the phenomenon of marital captivity (Cambridge: Intersentia 2020), RabelsZ 85 (2021) 693-700 (in English).

22.   Einhorn, Talia, Review of Shimon Shetreet and Walter Homolka, Jewish Law and Israeli Law – An Introduction, 2nd ed. – (Berlin, Germany/Boston, USA: de Gruyter 2021), Rabels Z (forthcoming) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, “Revocation of Testaments”, in: volume V – Succession, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law published under the Auspices of the International Association of Legal Science (U. Drobnig – K.-H. Neumayer [eds.]) (2018), Chapter 5, 5-1 – 5-192 (Mohr Siebeck/ Brill 2018). 

2. Einhorn Talia, The Private International Law of Israel (396 pages), in:Kluwer’s International Encyclopedia of Laws – Private International Law (R. Blanpain – B. Verschraegen [eds.]) (IEL 19th Supplement, Oct. 2008); 2nd ed. (546 pages) (IEL 35th Supplement, Oct. 2012) (the contributions have also been published as separate monographs – see Aabove); 3rd ed. (260 pages) (IEL 67th Supplement, March 2022).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Customs Law, International”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 23pp (Oxford University Press 2009); update 28pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

4.   Einhorn Talia, “Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 15pp (Oxford University Press 2010); update 19pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel”, in: Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Basedow/ Rühl/ Ferrari/De Miguel Asensio [eds.]), (Elgar, 2017), pp. 2194-2207.6.   Einhorn, Talia, “Evidence-Gathering Techniques”, in: Encyclopedia of Comparative Civil Procedure (Burdhard Hess et al. [eds.]) (forthcoming, 2024), 52pp.

7.   Einhorn, Talia, “Art and Cultural Heritage Law in Israel”, in: Elgar Encyclopedia of Art and Cultural Heritage Law (Irini Stamatoudi, Ana Filipa Vrdoljak, Janet Blake and Francesco Francioni [eds.]), (Elgar, forthcoming 2024), 44pp.


1. Einhorn Talia, "The Methodology of Using Foreign Law in Courts and in the Rule-Making Process – An Israeli Perspective", in: Proceedings of III. International Scientific Conference, The National Academy of Sciences Ukraine – Ukraine Association of Comparative Law (Lviv 2011), pp. 74-77.

2. Einhorn Talia, "Economic Integration in the Global Arena – The Significance and Contents of the Necessary Rule of Law", in: Proceedings of the Conference on Russia's Integration into the World Economy: The New Paradigms of the Economic Culture – in Memory of Professor Leonid Strovsky (Yekaterinburg 2011), pp. 96-101.

3. Einhorn Talia, "Cultural Heritage as a Resource – A View from Israel", in: Proceedings of the International Law Association Regional Conference 2013 – Imperium Juris: Governance, Trade Resources (Greece 2013) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, Review of European Legal Traditions and Israel (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), (Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1994) Israel Law Review 29 (1995) 754-756 (in English). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, Review of E. Ahiram/ A. Tovias, Whither EU-Israeli Relations? Common and Divergent Interests (Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 1995) Medinah Mimshal Vihasim Benleumiyim (State Government and International Relations) 41 (1996) 241-242 (in Hebrew).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Whose Scrolls Are They Anyway? – The Arab-Israeli aspect of restitution of cultural objects according to international law”, ERETZ – The Geographic Magazine from Israel 12(4) (1997), p. 67 (in English); ERETZ ve-TEVA, The Israeli Geographic Magazine 11(4) (1997), p. 70 (in Hebrew).

4.  Einhorn Talia, Review of D. M. Sassoon, C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts (5th ed.), (London: Sweet & Maxwell 1995), Israel Law Review 31 (1997) 860-861 (in English).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “The Economic Relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority” (based upon Testimony before the US Congress Joint Economic Committee Hearing concerning Israel’s Economic Future and its Impact on US Relations), Justice June 1998 40-43 (in English).

6.  Einhorn Talia, Review of E.-U. Petersmann (ed.), International Trade Law and the GATT/ WTO Dispute Settlement System (London: Kluwer Law International 1997), RabelsZ 63 (1999) 766-769 (in English).

7.  Einhorn Talia, “The Rights of the Living – Urban Development and Archaeological Rescue Excavations from a Legal Perspective”, Mivnim [A Monthly Magazine for Architects, Contractors and Engineers] Oct. 1999 24-30 (in Hebrew). 

8.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, V-VIII (in English).

9.   Einhorn Talia, “The Israeli – Arab Peace Process: the Law Reform Perspective”, Nativ (3/2002) 45-51 (in Hebrew); published also as ACPR (Ariel Center for Policy Research) Policy Paper No. 138 (2002) under the title “The Arab – Israeli Peace Mirage: Legal Perspectives” (in English).

10.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel and the International Criminal Court”, Nativ (4-5/2002) 36-40 (in Hebrew).

11.  Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. VII-IX.

12.  Einhorn Talia, “The Status of Palestine/Land of Israel and its Settlement under Public International Law”, Nativ (May 2003) 3-9 (in Hebrew); Nativ (October 2003) (in English).

13.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Mads Andenas, Silvia Diaz Alabart, Sir Basil Markesinis, Hans Miklitz and Nello Pasquini (eds.), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa – Private Law Beyond the National Systems (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2007), European Journal of Law Reform 11 (2009) 133-136 (in English).

14.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. XI-XV (in English).

15.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Symeon C. Symeonides, American Private International Law (Kluwer Law International 2008), RabelsZ 74 (2010) 895-898 (in English).

16. Einhorn Talia, Review of Kurt Siehr, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.), The Draft Civil Code for Israel in Comparative Perspective (Mohr Siebeck 2008), RabelsZ 75 (2011) 213-221. 

17.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Kerstin Odendahl, Peter Johannes Weber (eds.), Kulturgüterschutz – Kunstrecht – Kulturrecht – Festschrift für Kurt Siehr aus dem Kreise des Doktoranden- und Habilitandenseminars "Kunst und Recht" (Baden-Baden/St. Gallen/Wien: Nomos/Dike/facultas.wuv 2010), Kunst & Recht (1/2011) 23-26 (in English).

18.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Bea Verschraegen, Internationales Privatrecht (Vienna: Manz 2012), European Journal of Law Reform 14 (2012) 533-534 (in English).

19.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Rita de la Feria and Stefan Vogenauer, Prohibition of Abuse of Law (Oxford: Hart 2011), RabelsZ 78 (2014) 443-449 (in English).

20.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions, by Katharina Boele-Woelki et al. – (Cambridge, UK: Intersentia 2019), RabelsZ 85 (2021) (in English, forthcoming)

21.   Einhorn, Talia, Review of Deogratias, Benedicta, Trapped in a Religious Marriage. A human rights perspective on the phenomenon of marital captivity (Cambridge: Intersentia 2020), RabelsZ 85 (2021) 693-700 (in English).

22.   Einhorn, Talia, Review of Shimon Shetreet and Walter Homolka, Jewish Law and Israeli Law – An Introduction, 2nd ed. – (Berlin, Germany/Boston, USA: de Gruyter 2021), Rabels Z (forthcoming) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, “Revocation of Testaments”, in: volume V – Succession, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law published under the Auspices of the International Association of Legal Science (U. Drobnig – K.-H. Neumayer [eds.]) (2018), Chapter 5, 5-1 – 5-192 (Mohr Siebeck/ Brill 2018). 

2. Einhorn Talia, The Private International Law of Israel (396 pages), in:Kluwer’s International Encyclopedia of Laws – Private International Law (R. Blanpain – B. Verschraegen [eds.]) (IEL 19th Supplement, Oct. 2008); 2nd ed. (546 pages) (IEL 35th Supplement, Oct. 2012) (the contributions have also been published as separate monographs – see Aabove); 3rd ed. (260 pages) (IEL 67th Supplement, March 2022).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Customs Law, International”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 23pp (Oxford University Press 2009); update 28pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

4.   Einhorn Talia, “Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 15pp (Oxford University Press 2010); update 19pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel”, in: Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Basedow/ Rühl/ Ferrari/De Miguel Asensio [eds.]), (Elgar, 2017), pp. 2194-2207.


1.   A. E. Kellermann/ K. Siehr/ T. Einhorn (eds.), Israel among the Nations: International and Comparative Law Perspectives on Israel’s 50th Anniversary, London: Kluwer Law International 1998 (in English) (392 + xvi pp.).

2.   J. Basedow/ I. Meier/ A.K. Schnyder/ T. Einhorn/ D. Girsberger (eds.), Private Law in the International Arena – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000 (in English, German and French) (910 + xxxv pp.).

3.   T. Einhorn (ed.), Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003 (in English) (457 + xxiv pp.). 

4.   T. Einhorn/ K. Siehr (eds.), Intercontinental Cooperation through Private International Law: Essays in Memory of Peter E. Nygh, The Hague: TMC Asser Press 2004 (in English) (509 + xxii pp.).

5.   K. Boele-Woelki/ T. Einhorn/ D. Girsberger/ S. Symeonides, Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr, The Hague/ Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010 (in English, German and French) (895 + xxi pp.)


a.   Editor-in-Chief:
European Business Organization Law Review 1-3 (2000-2002. 2003-2013 member of the Advisory Board), published by T.M.C. Asser Press/Cambridge University Press. A refereed inter-disciplinary quarterly, critically analyzing the whole range of organizations chosen by companies, groups of companies, and state-owned enterprises to pursue their business activities and offer goods and services all over the European Union. 

<http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=EBR >

Member of the Editorial Board: 
Family Wealth Management Law Review (2014-), Israel (in Hebrew).
Journal of International Private Law (2014), Russian Association of International Law.
Journal of Comparative Jurisprudence (2012), Ukraine.

b. Articles in refereed journals
1.   Einhorn Talia, “The Role of the Israeli Courts in Promoting Free Trade”, Bar-Ilan Law Studies 12 (1995) 165-224 (in Hebrew).

2.   Einhorn Talia, “Restitution of Archaeological Artifacts: The Arab-Israeli Aspect”, International Journal of Cultural Property 5 (1996) 133-153 (in English). 

3.   Einhorn Talia, “The Treaty-Making Power: A Call for Reform”, Hamishpat 4 (1996) 367-384 (in Hebrew). 

4.   Einhorn Talia, “Israeli Law, Jewish Law and the Archaeological Excavation of Tombs”, International Journal of Cultural Property 6 (1997) 47-79 (in English).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “The Need for a Rule-Oriented Israeli-Palestinian Customs Union: The Role of International Trade Law and Domestic Law”, Netherlands International Law Review 44 (1997) 315-345 (in English).

6.   Einhorn Talia, “Reconciling Israeli Antidumping Law with WTO/ GATT International Trade Law Rules”, Israel Law Review 32 (1998) 81-138 (in English).

7.   Einhorn Talia, “The Customs Union between Israel and the Palestinian Authority: A Critical Analysis”, Bar-Ilan Law Studies 14 (1998) 439-475 (in Hebrew).

8.   Einhorn Talia, “The Impact of the WTO Agreement on TRIPs (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) on EC Law: A Challenge to Regionalism”, Common Market Law Review 35 (1998) 1069-1099 (in English); reprinted in: International Trade Law on the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trade System (Paolo Mengozzi [ed.]), Milano: Giuffrè 1999, pp. 533-573.

9.   Einhorn Talia, “Monitoring Directors in Public Companies under Israeli Law: Comparative Perspectives”, European Business Organization Law Review 2 (2001) Special issue: Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (T. Einhorn [ed.]) 525-551 (in English); reprinted in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. 97-123.

10.   Einhorn Talia, “The Israeli – Arab Peace Process: the Law Reform Perspective”, European Journal of Law Reform 3 (2001) 149-161 (in English).

11.   Einhorn, Talia, “The Ascertainment and Application of Foreign Law in Israeli Courts – A reform proposal”, Mosnei Mishpat 4 (2005) Special issue: Sefer Shaki [Essays in Honor of Avner Hai Shaki] (Aharon Barak et al. [eds.]) pp. 305-316 (essentially based on C.8 hereunder) (in Hebrew).

12.   Einhorn Talia/ Spiegel Yossi, "The Liberalization of the Israeli Postal Services", Israel Economic Quarterly 53 (2006), pp. 111-165 (in Hebrew).

13.   Einhorn Talia, “Same-Sex Family Unions in Israeli law”, Utrecht Law Review 4 (2008), pp. 222-235; reprinted in Debates in Family Law around the Globe at the Dawn of the 21st Century (Katharina Boele-Woelki [ed.]), Antwerpen: Intersentia 2009, pp. 319-337 (in English). 

14.   Einhorn Talia, “The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments on International Commercial Arbitral Awards”, Yearbook of Private International Law 12 (2010) pp. 43-65 (in English).

15.   Einhorn Talia, "Developments in Regional Trade Law – A View from Israel", European Journal of Law Reform 15 (2013) 71-79 (in English).

16.   Einhorn Talia, "The Coordinating Role of Israeli Conflict Rules in Matters of Succession – Comparative Perspectives", Family Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2014) 61-84 (in Hebrew).

17.   Einhorn Talia, "The Recognition in Israel of a Foreign Bankruptcy Order", Family Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2014/1) 121-136 (in Hebrew).

18.   Einhorn Talia, "The Recognition in Israel of a Foreign Guardianship Order Concerning a Person Domiciled in that Country", Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2014/2) 163-171 (in Hebrew).

19.   Einhorn Talia, "The Adaptation of the Global Jurisdiction of Israeli Courts in Family Affairs and Succession to the Rules on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments", Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2015/3) 71-78 (in Hebrew).

20.   Einhorn Talia, "The Rules Concerning Loans and Deposits of Artworks and Cultural Property in Israel in view of Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien v. The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People", Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2015/3) 113-145 (in Hebrew).

21.   Einhorn Talia, "The Common Law Foundations of the Israeli Draft Civil Code – A Critical Review of a Paradigm-Shifting Endeavor", RabelsZ 80 (2016) 94-129 (in English).

22.   Einhorn Talia, "The Rights to the Kafka Manuscripts – a vintage Kafkaesque story", in: Wealth Management Law Review 2 (2016/1) 103-167 (in Hebrew).

23.   Natour Ahmad and Talia Einhorn, "The Application of Islamic Law in Israel – Issues of Filiation between Secular and Religious Law", Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 119 (2020) 1-40 (in English).

24.   Weiss Dan and Talia Einhorn, "The Adequacy of the 'One Share, One Vote' Rule in Publicly Traded Family-Owned Companies in Israeli Law – A Critical Evaluation" (in preparation, 2020)


1.   Einhorn Talia, “The Application of WTO-law by the Courts of Law in the EU and in Israel”, in: Essays on European Law and Israel (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1996, 1023-1044 (in English).

2.  Einhorn Talia, “Equality in Israeli Family Law”, in: Gleichheit im Familienrecht unter Beruecksichtigung des Einflusses von Verfassungen und internationalen Uebereinkommen (Equality in Family Law – The Influence of Constitutions and International Conventions) (B. Verschraegen [ed.]), Bielefeld: Gieseking 1997, 249-280 (in English).

3.  Einhorn Talia, “The Legal Framework for Israel’s International Trade: International and Domestic Perspectives”, in: Israel among the Nations: International and Comparative Law Perspectives on Israel’s 50th Anniversary (A. Kellermann/ K. Siehr/ T. Einhorn [eds.]), London: Kluwer Law International 1998, 155-175 (in English).  

4.   Einhorn Talia, “The Impact of the WTO Agreement on TRIPs (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) on EC Law: A Challenge to Regionalism”, Common Market Law Review 35 (1998) 1069-1099 (in English); reprinted in: International Trade Law on the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trade System (Paolo Mengozzi [ed.]), Milano: Giuffrè 1999, pp. 533-573 (see also B.b.9 above).

5. Einhorn Talia, “The EC-Israel Association Agreement: Comparative Aspects of Liberalizing International Trade”, in: Proceedings of the First Legal Colloquium Israel-Italy 4-8 May 1997 (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1999, 649-673 (in English).

6.   Einhorn Talia, “Jewish Divorce in the International Arena”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, 135-153 (in English).

7.  Einhorn Talia, “Der arabisch-israelische Frieden. Eine Fata Morgana”, in: Hat Israel noch eine Chance? Palästina in der neuen Weltordnung (Hermann L. Gremliza [Hrsg.]), Hamburg: Konkret 2001, 141-155 (in German).

8.   Einhorn Talia, “The Expansion of Israeli Unjust Enrichment Law: The Mixed Blessings of a Mixed Legal System”, in: Aufbruch nach Europa: Festschrift for the 75th Anniversary of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private and Private International Law in Hamburg (Basedow/ Drobnig/ Ellger/ Hopt/ Kötz/ Kulms/ Mestmäcker [eds.]), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2001, 905-922 (in English).

9.  Einhorn Talia, “Monitoring Directors in Public Companies under Israeli Law: Comparative Perspectives”, in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law - Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. 97-123 (see also B.b.10 above).

10.   Einhorn Talia, “The Ascertainment and Application of Foreign Law in Israeli Courts – Getting the facts and fallacies straight”, in: Intercontinental Cooperation through Private International Law – Essays in Memory of Peter E. Nygh (Einhorn/Siehr [eds.]), The Hague: TMC Asser Press 2004, pp. 107-118 (in English).

11.   Einhorn Talia, “Israeli International Family Law – the liberalization of Israeli substantive Family Law”, Balancing of Interests – Essays in Honor of Peter Hay (Rasmussen-Bonne et al. [eds.]) Frankfurt a.M.: Recht und Wirschaft 2005, pp. 141-150 (in English).

12.   Einhorn Talia, “The Liberalization of Postal Services – Israeli and European Perspectives”, in: Recht und spontane Ordnung – Festschrift für Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Engel/ Möschel [eds.]), Baden-Baden: Nomos 2006, pp. 103-136 (in English).

13.   Einhorn Talia, “Family Unions in Israel – The Tensions between Religious Law and Secular Law and the Quest for Coherent Law”, in: Rett og tolerance – Festskrift til Helge Johan Thue 70 år (Frantzen/Giertsen/Cordero Moss [eds.]), Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2007, pp. 697-715 (in English). 

14.   Einhorn Talia, “Same-Sex Family Unions in Israeli law”, in: Debates in Family Law around the Globe at the Dawn of the 21st Century (Katharina Boele-Woelki [ed.]), Antwerpen: Intersentia 2009, pp. 319-337 (in English) (see also B.b.14 above).

15.   Einhorn Talia, “American vs. European Private International Law – the Case for a Model Conflict of Laws Act (MCLA)”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. 3-36 (in English). 

16.  Einhorn Talia, “Israeli Consumer Protection in International Private Relations”, in: Consumer Protection in International Private Relationships – XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law (Diego P. Fernández Arroyo [ed.]), Asunción: Center for the Studies of Law, Economy and Politics [CEDEP] 2010, pp. 271-292 (in English).

17.   Einhorn Talia, “Hunger, Aid, WTO Law and International Competition Law – the missing links in the world trading system”, in: New Trends in International Economic Law – Liber Amicorum Paolo Picone (Ligustro/ Sacerdoti [eds.]) Napoli: Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica 2011, pp. 311-336 (in English).

18.   Einhorn Talia, “International Law and the Domestic Israeli Legal System”, in: International Law and Domestic Legal Systems (Dinah Shelton [ed.]), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 288-327 (in English).

19.   Einhorn Talia, "Israel – Developments in Regional Trade Law", in: Studies on International Law (Alexander Yankov et al. [eds.]) (Sofia: Bulgarian Association of International Law 2013), pp. 90-96 (in English).

20.   Einhorn Talia, "The Status of Judea & Samaria and their Settlement under Public International Law", in: Harel Arnon & Chagai Vinitzky (eds.), Land Law and International Law in Judea & Samaria, Bursi: 2013, pp. 9-75 (in Hebrew).

21.    Einhorn Talia, "Export and Import Controls of Cultural Matter and their Enforcement under Israeli Law", in: Handbook on the Law of Cultural Heritage and International Trade (James A. Nafziger, Robert Patterson [eds.]) Edward Elgar: 2014, pp. 221-233 (in English).

22.    Einhorn Talia, “Israel”, in: Sources of State Practice in International Law (Ralph Gaebler and Alison Shea [eds.]), 2nd ed., Brill: 2014, 283-308 (in English).

23.  Einhorn Talia, "The Coordinating Role of Israeli Conflict Rules in Matters of Succession – Comparative Perspectives", in: Panorama do Direitto Internacional Privado Atual e Outros Temas Contemporãneos – Festschrift ao Professor Jacob Dolinger (Carmen Tiburcio et al. [eds.]), Arraes: 2015, 102-124 (in English).

24.   Einhorn Talia, "Disgorgement of Profits in Israeli Law", in: Disgorgement of Profits in Comparative Perspective (Ewoud Hondius and André Janssen [eds.]), Springer: 2015, 299-324 (in English).

25.  Einhorn Talia, “Customs Law, International”, in: International Economic Law (Lachenmann and Wolfrum [eds.]), (Oxford University Press 2015), 145-168 (in English).

26. Einhorn Talia, “Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory”, in: International Economic Law (Lachenmann and Wolfrum [eds.]), (Oxford University Press 2015), 840-855 (in English).

27.  Einhorn Talia, "Coordinating Matrimonial Property Regimes Across National Borders: Israeli and Comparative Perspectives", in: Legal Thoughts between the East and the West in the Multilevel Legal Order – A Liber Amicorum in Honour of Professor Herbert Han-Pao Ma (Chang-fa Lo, Nigel Li, Tsai-yu Lin [eds.]) (Springer 2016), 371-394 (in English).

28.  Einhorn Talia, "Interpretation and Application of the New York Convention in Israel", in: Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: The Interpretation and Application of the New York Convention by National Courts (George Bermann [ed.]), (Springer 2017), 523-559 (in English).

29.   Einhorn Talia, "Proof and Application of Foreign Law in Israel", in: Treatment of Foreign Law: Dynamics towards Convergence? (Yuko Nishitani [ed.]), (Springer 2017), 563-582 (in English).

30.   Einhorn Talia and Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, "Internationales Privatrecht", in: Einführung in das israelische Recht (Medina/ Walter / Scholz / Wabnitz [eds.]), (Beck 2019), 245-263 (in German). 

31.    Einhorn Talia and Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, "Private International Law", in: Introduction to the Law of Israel (Medina/ Walter / Scholz / Wabnitz [eds.]), (Beck 2019), 241-257 (in English). 

32.    Einhorn Talia, "The Israeli Statute on National Book Price Maintenance –A Critical Evaluation", in: Festschrift Herbert Kronke – Ausländisches und deutsches Privat und Wirtschaftsrecht (Christoph Benicke and Stefan Huber [eds.]), (Gieseking 2020), 1687-1697.

33.    Einhorn Talia, "Commentaries in Israeli Law: Foundations and future of a mixed legal system", in: Kästle-Lamparter/ Jansen/ Zimmermann, Juristische Kommentare: Literaturformen in rechtsvergleichender Perspektive (Mohr Siebeck, 2020), 331-359 (in English).

34.    Einhorn Talia, "Anti-Suit Injunctions in Arbitral and Judicial Proceedings in Israel", in: Filip de Ly (ed.), Anti-Suit Injunctions in Arbitral and Judicial Proceedings (Forthcoming 2021).

35.  Einhorn Talia, "Israel", in: Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague Principles (Daniel Girsberger, Thomas Kadner Graziano and Jan L Neels [Eds.]) (forthcoming 2021).


1. Einhorn Talia, "The Methodology of Using Foreign Law in Courts and in the Rule-Making Process – An Israeli Perspective", in: Proceedings of III. International Scientific Conference, The National Academy of Sciences Ukraine – Ukraine Association of Comparative Law (Lviv 2011), pp. 74-77.

2. Einhorn Talia, "Economic Integration in the Global Arena – The Significance and Contents of the Necessary Rule of Law", in: Proceedings of the Conference on Russia's Integration into the World Economy: The New Paradigms of the Economic Culture – in Memory of Professor Leonid Strovsky (Yekaterinburg 2011), pp. 96-101.

3. Einhorn Talia, "Cultural Heritage as a Resource – A View from Israel", in: Proceedings of the International Law Association Regional Conference 2013 – Imperium Juris: Governance, Trade Resources (Greece 2013) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, Review of European Legal Traditions and Israel (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), (Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1994) Israel Law Review 29 (1995) 754-756 (in English). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, Review of E. Ahiram/ A. Tovias, Whither EU-Israeli Relations? Common and Divergent Interests (Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 1995) Medinah Mimshal Vihasim Benleumiyim (State Government and International Relations) 41 (1996) 241-242 (in Hebrew).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Whose Scrolls Are They Anyway? – The Arab-Israeli aspect of restitution of cultural objects according to international law”, ERETZ – The Geographic Magazine from Israel 12(4) (1997), p. 67 (in English); ERETZ ve-TEVA, The Israeli Geographic Magazine 11(4) (1997), p. 70 (in Hebrew).

4.  Einhorn Talia, Review of D. M. Sassoon, C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts (5th ed.), (London: Sweet & Maxwell 1995), Israel Law Review 31 (1997) 860-861 (in English).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “The Economic Relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority” (based upon Testimony before the US Congress Joint Economic Committee Hearing concerning Israel’s Economic Future and its Impact on US Relations), Justice June 1998 40-43 (in English).

6.  Einhorn Talia, Review of E.-U. Petersmann (ed.), International Trade Law and the GATT/ WTO Dispute Settlement System (London: Kluwer Law International 1997), RabelsZ 63 (1999) 766-769 (in English).

7.  Einhorn Talia, “The Rights of the Living – Urban Development and Archaeological Rescue Excavations from a Legal Perspective”, Mivnim [A Monthly Magazine for Architects, Contractors and Engineers] Oct. 1999 24-30 (in Hebrew). 

8.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, V-VIII (in English).

9.   Einhorn Talia, “The Israeli – Arab Peace Process: the Law Reform Perspective”, Nativ (3/2002) 45-51 (in Hebrew); published also as ACPR (Ariel Center for Policy Research) Policy Paper No. 138 (2002) under the title “The Arab – Israeli Peace Mirage: Legal Perspectives” (in English).

10.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel and the International Criminal Court”, Nativ (4-5/2002) 36-40 (in Hebrew).

11.  Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. VII-IX.

12.  Einhorn Talia, “The Status of Palestine/Land of Israel and its Settlement under Public International Law”, Nativ (May 2003) 3-9 (in Hebrew); Nativ (October 2003) (in English).

13.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Mads Andenas, Silvia Diaz Alabart, Sir Basil Markesinis, Hans Miklitz and Nello Pasquini (eds.), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa – Private Law Beyond the National Systems (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2007), European Journal of Law Reform 11 (2009) 133-136 (in English).

14.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. XI-XV (in English).

15.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Symeon C. Symeonides, American Private International Law (Kluwer Law International 2008), RabelsZ 74 (2010) 895-898 (in English).

16. Einhorn Talia, Review of Kurt Siehr, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.), The Draft Civil Code for Israel in Comparative Perspective (Mohr Siebeck 2008), RabelsZ 75 (2011) 213-221. 

17.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Kerstin Odendahl, Peter Johannes Weber (eds.), Kulturgüterschutz – Kunstrecht – Kulturrecht – Festschrift für Kurt Siehr aus dem Kreise des Doktoranden- und Habilitandenseminars "Kunst und Recht" (Baden-Baden/St. Gallen/Wien: Nomos/Dike/facultas.wuv 2010), Kunst & Recht (1/2011) 23-26 (in English).

18.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Bea Verschraegen, Internationales Privatrecht (Vienna: Manz 2012), European Journal of Law Reform 14 (2012) 533-534 (in English).

19.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Rita de la Feria and Stefan Vogenauer, Prohibition of Abuse of Law (Oxford: Hart 2011), RabelsZ 78 (2014) 443-449 (in English).

20.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions, by Katharina Boele-Woelki et al. – (Cambridge, UK: Intersentia 2019), RabelsZ 85 (2021) (in English, forthcoming) 


1.   Einhorn Talia, “Revocation of Testaments”, in: volume V – Succession, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law published under the Auspices of the International Association of Legal Science (U. Drobnig – K.-H. Neumayer [eds.]) (2018), Chapter 5, 5-1 – 5-192 (Mohr Siebeck/ Brill 2018). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, The Private International Law of Israel (396 pages), in: Kluwer’s International Encyclopedia of Laws – Private International Law (R. Blanpain – B. Verschraegen [eds.]) (IEL 19th Supplement, Oct. 2008); 2nd ed. (546 pages) (IEL 35th Supplement, Oct. 2012) (the contributions have also been published as separate monographs – see A above); 3rd ed. (ca. 350 pages) (forthcoming 2020)

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Customs Law, International”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 23pp (Oxford University Press 2009); update 28pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

4.   Einhorn Talia, “Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 15pp (Oxford University Press 2010); update 19pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel”, in: Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Basedow/ Rühl/ Ferrari/De Miguel Asensio [eds.]), (Elgar, 2017), pp. 2194-2207.

1. Einhorn Talia, "The Methodology of Using Foreign Law in Courts and in the Rule-Making Process – An Israeli Perspective", in: Proceedings of III. International Scientific Conference, The National Academy of Sciences Ukraine – Ukraine Association of Comparative Law (Lviv 2011), pp. 74-77.

2. Einhorn Talia, "Economic Integration in the Global Arena – The Significance and Contents of the Necessary Rule of Law", in: Proceedings of the Conference on Russia's Integration into the World Economy: The New Paradigms of the Economic Culture – in Memory of Professor Leonid Strovsky (Yekaterinburg 2011), pp. 96-101.

3. Einhorn Talia, "Cultural Heritage as a Resource – A View from Israel", in: Proceedings of the International Law Association Regional Conference 2013 – Imperium Juris: Governance, Trade Resources (Greece 2013) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, Review of European Legal Traditions and Israel (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), (Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1994) Israel Law Review 29 (1995) 754-756 (in English). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, Review of E. Ahiram/ A. Tovias, Whither EU-Israeli Relations? Common and Divergent Interests (Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 1995) Medinah Mimshal Vihasim Benleumiyim (State Government and International Relations) 41 (1996) 241-242 (in Hebrew).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Whose Scrolls Are They Anyway? – The Arab-Israeli aspect of restitution of cultural objects according to international law”, ERETZ – The Geographic Magazine from Israel 12(4) (1997), p. 67 (in English); ERETZ ve-TEVA, The Israeli Geographic Magazine 11(4) (1997), p. 70 (in Hebrew).

4.  Einhorn Talia, Review of D. M. Sassoon, C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts (5th ed.), (London: Sweet & Maxwell 1995), Israel Law Review 31 (1997) 860-861 (in English).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “The Economic Relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority” (based upon Testimony before the US Congress Joint Economic Committee Hearing concerning Israel’s Economic Future and its Impact on US Relations), Justice June 1998 40-43 (in English).

6.  Einhorn Talia, Review of E.-U. Petersmann (ed.), International Trade Law and the GATT/ WTO Dispute Settlement System (London: Kluwer Law International 1997), RabelsZ 63 (1999) 766-769 (in English).

7.  Einhorn Talia, “The Rights of the Living – Urban Development and Archaeological Rescue Excavations from a Legal Perspective”, Mivnim [A Monthly Magazine for Architects, Contractors and Engineers] Oct. 1999 24-30 (in Hebrew). 

8.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, V-VIII (in English).

9.   Einhorn Talia, “The Israeli – Arab Peace Process: the Law Reform Perspective”, Nativ (3/2002) 45-51 (in Hebrew); published also as ACPR (Ariel Center for Policy Research) Policy Paper No. 138 (2002) under the title “The Arab – Israeli Peace Mirage: Legal Perspectives” (in English).

10.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel and the International Criminal Court”, Nativ (4-5/2002) 36-40 (in Hebrew).

11.  Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. VII-IX.

12.  Einhorn Talia, “The Status of Palestine/Land of Israel and its Settlement under Public International Law”, Nativ (May 2003) 3-9 (in Hebrew); Nativ (October 2003) (in English).

13.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Mads Andenas, Silvia Diaz Alabart, Sir Basil Markesinis, Hans Miklitz and Nello Pasquini (eds.), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa – Private Law Beyond the National Systems (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2007), European Journal of Law Reform 11 (2009) 133-136 (in English).

14.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. XI-XV (in English).

15.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Symeon C. Symeonides, American Private International Law (Kluwer Law International 2008), RabelsZ 74 (2010) 895-898 (in English).

16. Einhorn Talia, Review of Kurt Siehr, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.), The Draft Civil Code for Israel in Comparative Perspective (Mohr Siebeck 2008), RabelsZ 75 (2011) 213-221. 

17.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Kerstin Odendahl, Peter Johannes Weber (eds.), Kulturgüterschutz – Kunstrecht – Kulturrecht – Festschrift für Kurt Siehr aus dem Kreise des Doktoranden- und Habilitandenseminars "Kunst und Recht" (Baden-Baden/St. Gallen/Wien: Nomos/Dike/facultas.wuv 2010), Kunst & Recht (1/2011) 23-26 (in English).

18.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Bea Verschraegen, Internationales Privatrecht (Vienna: Manz 2012), European Journal of Law Reform 14 (2012) 533-534 (in English).

19.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Rita de la Feria and Stefan Vogenauer, Prohibition of Abuse of Law (Oxford: Hart 2011), RabelsZ 78 (2014) 443-449 (in English).

20.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions, by Katharina Boele-Woelki et al. – (Cambridge, UK: Intersentia 2019), RabelsZ 85 (2021) (in English, forthcoming) 


1.   Einhorn Talia, “Revocation of Testaments”, in: volume V – Succession, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law published under the Auspices of the International Association of Legal Science (U. Drobnig – K.-H. Neumayer [eds.]) (2018), Chapter 5, 5-1 – 5-192 (Mohr Siebeck/ Brill 2018). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, The Private International Law of Israel (396 pages), in: Kluwer’s International Encyclopedia of Laws – Private International Law (R. Blanpain – B. Verschraegen [eds.]) (IEL 19th Supplement, Oct. 2008); 2nd ed. (546 pages) (IEL 35th Supplement, Oct. 2012) (the contributions have also been published as separate monographs – see A above); 3rd ed. (ca. 350 pages) (forthcoming 2020)

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Customs Law, International”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 23pp (Oxford University Press 2009); update 28pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

4.   Einhorn Talia, “Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 15pp (Oxford University Press 2010); update 19pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel”, in: Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Basedow/ Rühl/ Ferrari/De Miguel Asensio [eds.]), (Elgar, 2017), pp. 2194-2207.


1.   A. E. Kellermann/ K. Siehr/ T. Einhorn (eds.), Israel among the Nations: International and Comparative Law Perspectives on Israel’s 50th Anniversary, London: Kluwer Law International 1998 (in English) (392 + xvi pp.).

2.   J. Basedow/ I. Meier/ A.K. Schnyder/ T. Einhorn/ D. Girsberger (eds.), Private Law in the International Arena – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000 (in English, German and French) (910 + xxxv pp.).

3.   T. Einhorn (ed.), Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003 (in English) (457 + xxiv pp.). 

4.   T. Einhorn/ K. Siehr (eds.), Intercontinental Cooperation through Private International Law: Essays in Memory of Peter E. Nygh, The Hague: TMC Asser Press 2004 (in English) (509 + xxii pp.).

5.   K. Boele-Woelki/ T. Einhorn/ D. Girsberger/ S. Symeonides, Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr, The Hague/ Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010 (in English, German and French) (895 + xxi pp.)


a.   Editor-in-Chief:
European Business Organization Law Review 1-3 (2000-2002. 2003-2013 member of the Advisory Board), published by T.M.C. Asser Press/Cambridge University Press. A refereed inter-disciplinary quarterly, critically analyzing the whole range of organizations chosen by companies, groups of companies, and state-owned enterprises to pursue their business activities and offer goods and services all over the European Union. 

<http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=EBR >

Member of the Editorial Board: 
Family Wealth Management Law Review (2014-), Israel (in Hebrew).
Journal of International Private Law (2014), Russian Association of International Law.
Journal of Comparative Jurisprudence (2012), Ukraine.

b. Articles in refereed journals
1.   Einhorn Talia, “The Role of the Israeli Courts in Promoting Free Trade”, Bar-Ilan Law Studies 12 (1995) 165-224 (in Hebrew).

2.   Einhorn Talia, “Restitution of Archaeological Artifacts: The Arab-Israeli Aspect”, International Journal of Cultural Property 5 (1996) 133-153 (in English). 

3.   Einhorn Talia, “The Treaty-Making Power: A Call for Reform”, Hamishpat 4 (1996) 367-384 (in Hebrew). 

4.   Einhorn Talia, “Israeli Law, Jewish Law and the Archaeological Excavation of Tombs”, International Journal of Cultural Property 6 (1997) 47-79 (in English).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “The Need for a Rule-Oriented Israeli-Palestinian Customs Union: The Role of International Trade Law and Domestic Law”, Netherlands International Law Review 44 (1997) 315-345 (in English).

6.   Einhorn Talia, “Reconciling Israeli Antidumping Law with WTO/ GATT International Trade Law Rules”, Israel Law Review 32 (1998) 81-138 (in English).

7.   Einhorn Talia, “The Customs Union between Israel and the Palestinian Authority: A Critical Analysis”, Bar-Ilan Law Studies 14 (1998) 439-475 (in Hebrew).

8.   Einhorn Talia, “The Impact of the WTO Agreement on TRIPs (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) on EC Law: A Challenge to Regionalism”, Common Market Law Review 35 (1998) 1069-1099 (in English); reprinted in: International Trade Law on the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trade System (Paolo Mengozzi [ed.]), Milano: Giuffrè 1999, pp. 533-573.

9.   Einhorn Talia, “Monitoring Directors in Public Companies under Israeli Law: Comparative Perspectives”, European Business Organization Law Review 2 (2001) Special issue: Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (T. Einhorn [ed.]) 525-551 (in English); reprinted in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. 97-123.

10.   Einhorn Talia, “The Israeli – Arab Peace Process: the Law Reform Perspective”, European Journal of Law Reform 3 (2001) 149-161 (in English).

11.   Einhorn, Talia, “The Ascertainment and Application of Foreign Law in Israeli Courts – A reform proposal”, Mosnei Mishpat 4 (2005) Special issue: Sefer Shaki [Essays in Honor of Avner Hai Shaki] (Aharon Barak et al. [eds.]) pp. 305-316 (essentially based on C.8 hereunder) (in Hebrew).

12.   Einhorn Talia/ Spiegel Yossi, "The Liberalization of the Israeli Postal Services", Israel Economic Quarterly 53 (2006), pp. 111-165 (in Hebrew).

13.   Einhorn Talia, “Same-Sex Family Unions in Israeli law”, Utrecht Law Review 4 (2008), pp. 222-235; reprinted in Debates in Family Law around the Globe at the Dawn of the 21st Century (Katharina Boele-Woelki [ed.]), Antwerpen: Intersentia 2009, pp. 319-337 (in English). 

14.   Einhorn Talia, “The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments on International Commercial Arbitral Awards”, Yearbook of Private International Law 12 (2010) pp. 43-65 (in English).

15.   Einhorn Talia, "Developments in Regional Trade Law – A View from Israel", European Journal of Law Reform 15 (2013) 71-79 (in English).

16.   Einhorn Talia, "The Coordinating Role of Israeli Conflict Rules in Matters of Succession – Comparative Perspectives", Family Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2014) 61-84 (in Hebrew).

17.   Einhorn Talia, "The Recognition in Israel of a Foreign Bankruptcy Order", Family Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2014/1) 121-136 (in Hebrew).

18.   Einhorn Talia, "The Recognition in Israel of a Foreign Guardianship Order Concerning a Person Domiciled in that Country", Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2014/2) 163-171 (in Hebrew).

19.   Einhorn Talia, "The Adaptation of the Global Jurisdiction of Israeli Courts in Family Affairs and Succession to the Rules on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments", Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2015/3) 71-78 (in Hebrew).

20.   Einhorn Talia, "The Rules Concerning Loans and Deposits of Artworks and Cultural Property in Israel in view of Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien v. The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People", Wealth Management Law Review 1 (2015/3) 113-145 (in Hebrew).

21.   Einhorn Talia, "The Common Law Foundations of the Israeli Draft Civil Code – A Critical Review of a Paradigm-Shifting Endeavor", RabelsZ 80 (2016) 94-129 (in English).

22.   Einhorn Talia, "The Rights to the Kafka Manuscripts – a vintage Kafkaesque story", in: Wealth Management Law Review 2 (2016/1) 103-167 (in Hebrew).

23.   Natour Ahmad and Talia Einhorn, "The Application of Islamic Law in Israel – Issues of Filiation between Secular and Religious Law", Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 119 (2020) 1-40 (in English).

24.   Weiss Dan and Talia Einhorn, "The Adequacy of the 'One Share, One Vote' Rule in Publicly Traded Family-Owned Companies in Israeli Law – A Critical Evaluation" (in preparation, 2020)


1.   Einhorn Talia, “The Application of WTO-law by the Courts of Law in the EU and in Israel”, in: Essays on European Law and Israel (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1996, 1023-1044 (in English).

2.  Einhorn Talia, “Equality in Israeli Family Law”, in: Gleichheit im Familienrecht unter Beruecksichtigung des Einflusses von Verfassungen und internationalen Uebereinkommen (Equality in Family Law – The Influence of Constitutions and International Conventions) (B. Verschraegen [ed.]), Bielefeld: Gieseking 1997, 249-280 (in English).

3.  Einhorn Talia, “The Legal Framework for Israel’s International Trade: International and Domestic Perspectives”, in: Israel among the Nations: International and Comparative Law Perspectives on Israel’s 50th Anniversary (A. Kellermann/ K. Siehr/ T. Einhorn [eds.]), London: Kluwer Law International 1998, 155-175 (in English).  

4.   Einhorn Talia, “The Impact of the WTO Agreement on TRIPs (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) on EC Law: A Challenge to Regionalism”, Common Market Law Review 35 (1998) 1069-1099 (in English); reprinted in: International Trade Law on the 50th Anniversary of the Multilateral Trade System (Paolo Mengozzi [ed.]), Milano: Giuffrè 1999, pp. 533-573 (see also B.b.9 above).

5. Einhorn Talia, “The EC-Israel Association Agreement: Comparative Aspects of Liberalizing International Trade”, in: Proceedings of the First Legal Colloquium Israel-Italy 4-8 May 1997 (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1999, 649-673 (in English).

6.   Einhorn Talia, “Jewish Divorce in the International Arena”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, 135-153 (in English).

7.  Einhorn Talia, “Der arabisch-israelische Frieden. Eine Fata Morgana”, in: Hat Israel noch eine Chance? Palästina in der neuen Weltordnung (Hermann L. Gremliza [Hrsg.]), Hamburg: Konkret 2001, 141-155 (in German).

8.   Einhorn Talia, “The Expansion of Israeli Unjust Enrichment Law: The Mixed Blessings of a Mixed Legal System”, in: Aufbruch nach Europa: Festschrift for the 75th Anniversary of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private and Private International Law in Hamburg (Basedow/ Drobnig/ Ellger/ Hopt/ Kötz/ Kulms/ Mestmäcker [eds.]), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2001, 905-922 (in English).

9.  Einhorn Talia, “Monitoring Directors in Public Companies under Israeli Law: Comparative Perspectives”, in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law - Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. 97-123 (see also B.b.10 above).

10.   Einhorn Talia, “The Ascertainment and Application of Foreign Law in Israeli Courts – Getting the facts and fallacies straight”, in: Intercontinental Cooperation through Private International Law – Essays in Memory of Peter E. Nygh (Einhorn/Siehr [eds.]), The Hague: TMC Asser Press 2004, pp. 107-118 (in English).

11.   Einhorn Talia, “Israeli International Family Law – the liberalization of Israeli substantive Family Law”, Balancing of Interests – Essays in Honor of Peter Hay (Rasmussen-Bonne et al. [eds.]) Frankfurt a.M.: Recht und Wirschaft 2005, pp. 141-150 (in English).

12.   Einhorn Talia, “The Liberalization of Postal Services – Israeli and European Perspectives”, in: Recht und spontane Ordnung – Festschrift für Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Engel/ Möschel [eds.]), Baden-Baden: Nomos 2006, pp. 103-136 (in English).

13.   Einhorn Talia, “Family Unions in Israel – The Tensions between Religious Law and Secular Law and the Quest for Coherent Law”, in: Rett og tolerance – Festskrift til Helge Johan Thue 70 år (Frantzen/Giertsen/Cordero Moss [eds.]), Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2007, pp. 697-715 (in English). 

14.   Einhorn Talia, “Same-Sex Family Unions in Israeli law”, in: Debates in Family Law around the Globe at the Dawn of the 21st Century (Katharina Boele-Woelki [ed.]), Antwerpen: Intersentia 2009, pp. 319-337 (in English) (see also B.b.14 above).

15.   Einhorn Talia, “American vs. European Private International Law – the Case for a Model Conflict of Laws Act (MCLA)”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. 3-36 (in English). 

16.  Einhorn Talia, “Israeli Consumer Protection in International Private Relations”, in: Consumer Protection in International Private Relationships – XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law (Diego P. Fernández Arroyo [ed.]), Asunción: Center for the Studies of Law, Economy and Politics [CEDEP] 2010, pp. 271-292 (in English).

17.   Einhorn Talia, “Hunger, Aid, WTO Law and International Competition Law – the missing links in the world trading system”, in: New Trends in International Economic Law – Liber Amicorum Paolo Picone (Ligustro/ Sacerdoti [eds.]) Napoli: Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica 2011, pp. 311-336 (in English).

18.   Einhorn Talia, “International Law and the Domestic Israeli Legal System”, in: International Law and Domestic Legal Systems (Dinah Shelton [ed.]), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 288-327 (in English).

19.   Einhorn Talia, "Israel – Developments in Regional Trade Law", in: Studies on International Law (Alexander Yankov et al. [eds.]) (Sofia: Bulgarian Association of International Law 2013), pp. 90-96 (in English).

20.   Einhorn Talia, "The Status of Judea & Samaria and their Settlement under Public International Law", in: Harel Arnon & Chagai Vinitzky (eds.), Land Law and International Law in Judea & Samaria, Bursi: 2013, pp. 9-75 (in Hebrew).

21.    Einhorn Talia, "Export and Import Controls of Cultural Matter and their Enforcement under Israeli Law", in: Handbook on the Law of Cultural Heritage and International Trade (James A. Nafziger, Robert Patterson [eds.]) Edward Elgar: 2014, pp. 221-233 (in English).

22.    Einhorn Talia, “Israel”, in: Sources of State Practice in International Law (Ralph Gaebler and Alison Shea [eds.]), 2nd ed., Brill: 2014, 283-308 (in English).

23.  Einhorn Talia, "The Coordinating Role of Israeli Conflict Rules in Matters of Succession – Comparative Perspectives", in: Panorama do Direitto Internacional Privado Atual e Outros Temas Contemporãneos – Festschrift ao Professor Jacob Dolinger (Carmen Tiburcio et al. [eds.]), Arraes: 2015, 102-124 (in English).

24.   Einhorn Talia, "Disgorgement of Profits in Israeli Law", in: Disgorgement of Profits in Comparative Perspective (Ewoud Hondius and André Janssen [eds.]), Springer: 2015, 299-324 (in English).

25.  Einhorn Talia, “Customs Law, International”, in: International Economic Law (Lachenmann and Wolfrum [eds.]), (Oxford University Press 2015), 145-168 (in English).

26. Einhorn Talia, “Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory”, in: International Economic Law (Lachenmann and Wolfrum [eds.]), (Oxford University Press 2015), 840-855 (in English).

27.  Einhorn Talia, "Coordinating Matrimonial Property Regimes Across National Borders: Israeli and Comparative Perspectives", in: Legal Thoughts between the East and the West in the Multilevel Legal Order – A Liber Amicorum in Honour of Professor Herbert Han-Pao Ma (Chang-fa Lo, Nigel Li, Tsai-yu Lin [eds.]) (Springer 2016), 371-394 (in English).

28.  Einhorn Talia, "Interpretation and Application of the New York Convention in Israel", in: Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: The Interpretation and Application of the New York Convention by National Courts (George Bermann [ed.]), (Springer 2017), 523-559 (in English).

29.   Einhorn Talia, "Proof and Application of Foreign Law in Israel", in: Treatment of Foreign Law: Dynamics towards Convergence? (Yuko Nishitani [ed.]), (Springer 2017), 563-582 (in English).

30.   Einhorn Talia and Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, "Internationales Privatrecht", in: Einführung in das israelische Recht (Medina/ Walter / Scholz / Wabnitz [eds.]), (Beck 2019), 245-263 (in German). 

31.    Einhorn Talia and Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, "Private International Law", in: Introduction to the Law of Israel (Medina/ Walter / Scholz / Wabnitz [eds.]), (Beck 2019), 241-257 (in English). 

32.    Einhorn Talia, "The Israeli Statute on National Book Price Maintenance –A Critical Evaluation", in: Festschrift Herbert Kronke – Ausländisches und deutsches Privat und Wirtschaftsrecht (Christoph Benicke and Stefan Huber [eds.]), (Gieseking 2020), 1687-1697.

33.    Einhorn Talia, "Commentaries in Israeli Law: Foundations and future of a mixed legal system", in: Kästle-Lamparter/ Jansen/ Zimmermann, Juristische Kommentare: Literaturformen in rechtsvergleichender Perspektive (Mohr Siebeck, 2020), 331-359 (in English).

34.    Einhorn Talia, "Anti-Suit Injunctions in Arbitral and Judicial Proceedings in Israel", in: Filip de Ly (ed.), Anti-Suit Injunctions in Arbitral and Judicial Proceedings (Forthcoming 2021).

35.  Einhorn Talia, "Israel", in: Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Global Perspectives on the Hague Principles (Daniel Girsberger, Thomas Kadner Graziano and Jan L Neels [Eds.]) (forthcoming 2021).


1. Einhorn Talia, "The Methodology of Using Foreign Law in Courts and in the Rule-Making Process – An Israeli Perspective", in: Proceedings of III. International Scientific Conference, The National Academy of Sciences Ukraine – Ukraine Association of Comparative Law (Lviv 2011), pp. 74-77.

2. Einhorn Talia, "Economic Integration in the Global Arena – The Significance and Contents of the Necessary Rule of Law", in: Proceedings of the Conference on Russia's Integration into the World Economy: The New Paradigms of the Economic Culture – in Memory of Professor Leonid Strovsky (Yekaterinburg 2011), pp. 96-101.

3. Einhorn Talia, "Cultural Heritage as a Resource – A View from Israel", in: Proceedings of the International Law Association Regional Conference 2013 – Imperium Juris: Governance, Trade Resources (Greece 2013) (in English).


1.   Einhorn Talia, Review of European Legal Traditions and Israel (A.M. Rabello [ed.]), (Jerusalem: The Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1994) Israel Law Review 29 (1995) 754-756 (in English). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, Review of E. Ahiram/ A. Tovias, Whither EU-Israeli Relations? Common and Divergent Interests (Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 1995) Medinah Mimshal Vihasim Benleumiyim (State Government and International Relations) 41 (1996) 241-242 (in Hebrew).

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Whose Scrolls Are They Anyway? – The Arab-Israeli aspect of restitution of cultural objects according to international law”, ERETZ – The Geographic Magazine from Israel 12(4) (1997), p. 67 (in English); ERETZ ve-TEVA, The Israeli Geographic Magazine 11(4) (1997), p. 70 (in Hebrew).

4.  Einhorn Talia, Review of D. M. Sassoon, C.I.F. and F.O.B. Contracts (5th ed.), (London: Sweet & Maxwell 1995), Israel Law Review 31 (1997) 860-861 (in English).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “The Economic Relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority” (based upon Testimony before the US Congress Joint Economic Committee Hearing concerning Israel’s Economic Future and its Impact on US Relations), Justice June 1998 40-43 (in English).

6.  Einhorn Talia, Review of E.-U. Petersmann (ed.), International Trade Law and the GATT/ WTO Dispute Settlement System (London: Kluwer Law International 1997), RabelsZ 63 (1999) 766-769 (in English).

7.  Einhorn Talia, “The Rights of the Living – Urban Development and Archaeological Rescue Excavations from a Legal Perspective”, Mivnim [A Monthly Magazine for Architects, Contractors and Engineers] Oct. 1999 24-30 (in Hebrew). 

8.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Private Law in the International ArenaLiber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (J. Basedow et al. [eds.]), The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2000, V-VIII (in English).

9.   Einhorn Talia, “The Israeli – Arab Peace Process: the Law Reform Perspective”, Nativ (3/2002) 45-51 (in Hebrew); published also as ACPR (Ariel Center for Policy Research) Policy Paper No. 138 (2002) under the title “The Arab – Israeli Peace Mirage: Legal Perspectives” (in English).

10.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel and the International Criminal Court”, Nativ (4-5/2002) 36-40 (in Hebrew).

11.  Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Spontaneous Order, Organization and the Law – Liber Amicorum Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (Talia Einhorn [ed.]) The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2003, pp. VII-IX.

12.  Einhorn Talia, “The Status of Palestine/Land of Israel and its Settlement under Public International Law”, Nativ (May 2003) 3-9 (in Hebrew); Nativ (October 2003) (in English).

13.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Mads Andenas, Silvia Diaz Alabart, Sir Basil Markesinis, Hans Miklitz and Nello Pasquini (eds.), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa – Private Law Beyond the National Systems (British Institute of International and Comparative Law 2007), European Journal of Law Reform 11 (2009) 133-136 (in English).

14.   Einhorn Talia, “Foreword”, in: Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law – Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr (Boele-Woelki/ Einhorn/ Girsberger /Symeonides [eds.]),The Hague/Zurich: Eleven/Schulthess 2010, pp. XI-XV (in English).

15.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Symeon C. Symeonides, American Private International Law (Kluwer Law International 2008), RabelsZ 74 (2010) 895-898 (in English).

16. Einhorn Talia, Review of Kurt Siehr, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.), The Draft Civil Code for Israel in Comparative Perspective (Mohr Siebeck 2008), RabelsZ 75 (2011) 213-221. 

17.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Kerstin Odendahl, Peter Johannes Weber (eds.), Kulturgüterschutz – Kunstrecht – Kulturrecht – Festschrift für Kurt Siehr aus dem Kreise des Doktoranden- und Habilitandenseminars "Kunst und Recht" (Baden-Baden/St. Gallen/Wien: Nomos/Dike/facultas.wuv 2010), Kunst & Recht (1/2011) 23-26 (in English).

18.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Bea Verschraegen, Internationales Privatrecht (Vienna: Manz 2012), European Journal of Law Reform 14 (2012) 533-534 (in English).

19.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Rita de la Feria and Stefan Vogenauer, Prohibition of Abuse of Law (Oxford: Hart 2011), RabelsZ 78 (2014) 443-449 (in English).

20.   Einhorn Talia, Review of Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions, by Katharina Boele-Woelki et al. – (Cambridge, UK: Intersentia 2019), RabelsZ 85 (2021) (in English, forthcoming) 


1.   Einhorn Talia, “Revocation of Testaments”, in: volume V – Succession, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law published under the Auspices of the International Association of Legal Science (U. Drobnig – K.-H. Neumayer [eds.]) (2018), Chapter 5, 5-1 – 5-192 (Mohr Siebeck/ Brill 2018). 

2.   Einhorn Talia, The Private International Law of Israel (396 pages), in: Kluwer’s International Encyclopedia of Laws – Private International Law (R. Blanpain – B. Verschraegen [eds.]) (IEL 19th Supplement, Oct. 2008); 2nd ed. (546 pages) (IEL 35th Supplement, Oct. 2012) (the contributions have also been published as separate monographs – see A above); 3rd ed. (ca. 350 pages) (forthcoming 2020)

3.   Einhorn Talia, “Customs Law, International”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 23pp (Oxford University Press 2009); update 28pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

4.   Einhorn Talia, “Transit of Goods over Foreign Territory”, in: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (R. Wolfrum [ed.]) 3rd ed., 15pp (Oxford University Press 2010); update 19pp. (Oxford University Press 2014).

5.   Einhorn Talia, “Israel”, in: Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Basedow/ Rühl/ Ferrari/De Miguel Asensio [eds.]), (Elgar, 2017), pp. 2194-2207.